Piggy/Miss Adora’s blog for November.

So another lockdown, another covid test and another positive result…

Pretty much getting fed up with it all now. So it was my hubbies and my turn to test positive this time. Only this time I had an appointment I couldn’t miss, I’d had to cancel it once already and really didn’t want to again. 

I’d been waiting for a an appointment to get my lady bits checked out. See, I’d had an abnormal smear and needed further investigation,  now I’d already cancelled it once before and really didn’t want to again. Well working out from my positive result date and my appointment, I was good but only by a few days. 

So, to cut a long story short, I’ve been to the appointment, the team I saw were fantastic and really did put me at ease. I’m due my results any day soon from the biopsy they took, so hopefully it’s good news.

Manho the Daddy’s blog for November.

Manho’s November blog.

How do, readers, another month past and ever so close to Christmas…..bloody cancelled. 

So what’s happened in this last month, well both me and Piggy decided to go and get the woohoo flu at the beginning of the month, I thinks I may of caught it at work with one of my valued colleagues, the diseased son of a bitch, then passed onto Piggy. So we were both off for the beginning of November which was rather crap. 

At the end of our isolation, my new motor scooter arrived, so I decided to get a bobber styled motorcycle as Piggy wouldn’t ride on the back of the sports bike I had, so I hunted for a nice either cruiser or bobber and found a Yamaha xv950 which had a lot of custom parts added and rather nice, and must admit rides really nice as well.

I took Piggy to work on the old motorcycle and realised the rear shocks needed adjusting so it was not as bouncy. So after taking her to work on it, I went to see the lads at the garage I used and they adjusted the shocks for free and they, I say they, it’s a family run business, father and son, both had a jolly ride on it and both thoroughly enjoyed it and was impressed.

So apart from having woohoo flu and obtaining a new motorcycle not much has happened, work then home, work then home…

Oh I bought Piggy a new fish tank as part of her Xmas present as she does rather like her fishes, so just ordered all her bits to start up with so she can set her tank up, then we can look at introducing some fishes, once we know the water is ready. So that will be exciting for her. 

Also it’s her birthday in December so double treat with some new boots she likes…

I have ordered all presents for Master and Little Minx’s from me a Piggy so they will arrive at the beginning of December, then it’s the task of wrapping them…

Anyways, readers, not much more to say this month, all being well a little more of a blog next month as it’s Christmas and New Year, so until next month readers be safe….

Serf/Little Minxs/Aurora’s blog for October.

So nothing much happened in October, nothing really thrilling.

I’ve accomplished another walking challenge, 20 km in two weeks. I have tried to push myself a little bit for each walk, even though it takes me a long time to do my walk, as I go at a snail’s pace, but just the fact I am walking as often as I can is a big deal for me. Though I went on Friday and thought I’d go a different route. A route Master and I had done a few years ago when he was on a walking challenge for work. But as I went along. I realized it was really too far, I was getting sore, so stopping, I logged in on Google maps to see where I was, and what direction I needed to take. Even though this road was only about five minutes away from our house in the car, it’s a road I never go down, so had only a vague idea where it went. 

This route went on and on, and at one point I thought I was going to have to phone Master, (who is still working from home coz of Covid,) and see if he could come and pick me up.

But I was determined I would continue. Anyway, I finally found roads I knew and got home. I was exhausted, walked for nearly an hour. Far too long. 

So I will do only the routes I know, and the way I normally walk, there are beautiful, huge houses to admire.

I’ve also surprised myself, as I walk past many gardens, I’ve seen various plants in flower now and looked beautiful. Now I’m no gardener, I do what I do, plant stuff I like the look of, not really reading where they should go. And usually, my way works. I’ve not got my parent’s green fingers.

So I’ve started to take photo’s of the flowers in bloom or the leaf, and once home, I searched on the app I use, Leaf Finder, this is a great app. Either go on the app and take a photo, or put a photo in you’ve already taken, and they will find the plant. So having found some plants I liked, I then bought some. If they can grow in these gardens, they can grow in mine.

I never thought I would ever do this, in my life. But I am enjoying our little garden and slowly making it disabled friendly, raised borders, safer areas for me to walk on. I’m proud of what we’ve done so far.

Miss Adira and I pass on plant ideas we both may like as she is beginning to enjoy her garden too. And we’ve even swapped cuttings.

So what else, well, we have been very busy doing our van conversion, turning it into our little camper, and we’ve done bloody great if I can say so myself. For our first attempt, I‘d say it’s 90% perfect. Far better than we thought we would do. Hopefully, soon we can actually try it out.

But let’s get to the real elephant in my blog. The flamin Covid. As the norm for my life now, I go to Tesco, drop shopping at my folks and my in-laws then come home. That’s it. Exciting, NOT. Still cannot meet with Daddy, DiDi and the gang. And missing them all so much. But I’m also on alert constantly, checking if anyone is showing signs of the dreaded lurgy. Their son had managed the whole of four days in school before a kid in his bubble had it. So it was almost inevitable to get a message to say his school says he needs a test as he woke with a headache and felt a bit ugh.

But getting the message to say it’s positive, this was getting serious now, this flamin lurgy was getting into my family. I quickly called DiDi, mainly to check she was okay, then eventually spoke with Daddy as I knew they would be concerned. But the fact that C was showing no symptoms, or really feeling poorly, he enjoyed another two weeks off school. Daddy and DiDi were a different matter. OMG, they were sooooooo bored. DiDi did some gardening, but of course, had wanted to buy stuff for the garden, but they couldn’t go out. So they did what they could. 

Then as we knew C had got the lurgy,  I was, I admit, rather panicky if Daddy or DiDi then caught it. Three weeks later, Daddy woke up feeling rough, he had coughed a few times when I chatted with him, DiDi said he had coughed in the night. He’d had night sweats, so I get really panicked. And yes, I got extremely mad when Daddy told me to stop worrying, it’s a little cold, he kept saying. OMG, every little cough and you want us checked out. Well, I can’t say I’m wrong worrying, some people don’t get the symptoms, look at C, I said. And you were coughing, DiDi said you coughed in the night and had the sweats, plus feeling rough. So don’t blame me for worrying that none of you or us are in danger of this horrible virus. (Yes, you can tell I was peeved.) 

Thankfully Daddy does seem to just have a cold and nothing sinister, won’t stop me always being on the lookout for signs though. 

Maybe I’m a bit OTT, I don’t know, but we all have older parents at risk, I admit, my health is not great and let’s face we are all in that middle-aged group. 

On top of this, we are now faced with the second lockdown this year. From 5th November until December, then our Boris will decide what will happen in December and for Christmas. But we want this bloody thing gone, so if that means we cannot meet up with anybody for Christmas, Hey I will deal with it, we can move Christmas to sometime next year when it’s safer. We just need to accept it won’t go until we stop meeting up and infecting people.

So enough of Covid 19.

I did “enjoy” …..no that’s a stretch. Let me explain. As I said, Master is working from home, so occasionally, he comes down to say hello, make a brew, just have a five-minute break. But one day he came into the kitchen, saying he had a half-hour break of meetings so I want some fun. He was baring the dreaded Ikea shoehorn. And he knows I hate that. I said, can’t you have fun and not use that thing. He said no, I like my Christmas shoehorn. (He didn’t get it for Christmas, not sure when it was, but it wasn’t even a present.) The shoehorn toy udea came from a girl I chatted too often on SpankingTube. Her hubby brought out the shoehorn for severe punishments, and she hated it. If I remember rightly, she threw it out once but that didn’t go well for her backside. 

Anyway, bend over and let me have some fun. One arm hugged my waist and the other brought that shoehorn down over and over. At first, I squirmed, wriggled a bit then as my ass got sorer, I could feel a firey burn, I began fighting more. Master moved my hair away from my face so he could watch my expression from each swat, I could see a smirk on his face, yes he was having fun. It’s a pity, I’m not. As his arm grabbed me tighter, his leg wrapped around my leg, so I couldn’t move at all. My cries got louder, yelping as he whacked my legs, trying to cover everywhere, yet knowing I couldn’t. This was twenty minutes of torture yet Master thoroughly enjoyed himself. And I suppose that’s the main thing. I did admire my bruised ass afterward though and got a pretty big bruise on my leg, just under my sit spot.

Some selfies whilst dying my hair plum colour.

Think someone wants to give my ass a spanking.
Yes please Master
Spank me. Squeeze my ass. Then spank me more.

Meeting the family today.

Second meet this afternoon with Daddy, Miss Adira and family.

With not seeing our family since early Feb due to Miss Adira hurting her shoulder and then the dreaded Covid. We finally met last week for a few hours, inside the house, for Master’s birthday, it made his birthday that much nicer and we were having dinner together, I’d say we cooked burgers and hotdogs but really that meant, Master did the cooking as we want them edible, and I got the plates out etc. The 4 of us should have had our naturists holiday that week, but it was cancelled. Then this week, Daddy and Miss Adira should have had their family holiday with C and grandparents, but that was cancelled.

So as Daddy has today off for once, they said let’s come over for a few hours, with C and BlueBlue.

Trying to not be as OCD over this virus, I’m more comfy having visitors, usually C goes up to our room, so he has peace and he can either watch our tv or watch YouTube on his phone. But he’s happy doing that. Last week he stayed downstairs, but this week we said for God’s sake, at some point we need to start our lives again so this is the start.C can have our room to watch his stuff.

We would love to be able to play, kiss, just cuddle, but that’s still a No No. But I can’t imagine our Boris Johnson announcing, to the country, for all you polygamists, swingers, BDSM lovers, lovers of any kind who do not live in your household, you may now play without restrictions, no safe distancing needed and you can play without your masks. I can’t really see him saying that. But I think we will just have to wait, see how the virus is going, if it begins to spread or finally die off for now. Be sensible in ourselves, so if one of us is feeling unusually unwell, then we will have to keep to safe distancing.

But it’s so hard seeing each other when we are all desperate to play. Both myself and Miss Adira are in need of a mega release, with spankings, fudging, and multi, multi orgasms. LOL. I know Daddy can’t wait to get his hands on a paddle with my butt out for him and I’m pretty sure DiDi will feel the same, though maybe not another 4 hour spanking session, as her shoulder is still giving her problems, mainly due to the fact everything shut down just after our play day together so she hasn’t really been properly checked out yet. 

But looking forward to a lovely afternoon/evening, sitting seperately, but at least we will be together still. Having a takeaway delivered, and I think Daddy is bringing me some sweeties as a treat.

I’m sure we are not alone in wondering when is it safe to meet with your Dom/Domme or with your lover, so I know we are not the only ones having these issues, but fingers crossed life continues to start looking better and we do not get this second wave. Which is my biggest worry.

Things must be looking better coz I’ve shaved and put some makeup on today. Another way in which I am trying to get life back to how it was. Next stage will be healthy eating, but Master and I are in the getting mentally prepared stage, as we like to call it. Where we spend a month contemplating dieting and then deciding if we can really be bothered or not. But we both know we should do really, it’s just hard work, and we like our goodies too much. 

Here’s to the world slowly getting things going, improving, safer, wearing our masks when we go out is no hardship really compared to the alternatives.

With not seeing our family since early Feb due to Miss Adira hurting her shoulder and then the dreaded Covid. We finally met last week for a few hours, inside the house, for Master’s birthday, it made his birthday that much nicer and we were having dinner together, I’d say we cooked burgers and hotdogs but really that meant, Master did the cooking as we want them edible, and I got the plates out etc. The 4 of us should have had our naturists holiday that week, but it was cancelled. Then this week, Daddy and Miss Adira should have had their family holiday with C and grandparents, but that was cancelled.

So as Daddy has today off for once, they said let’s come over for a few hours, with C and BlueBlue.

Trying to not be as OCD over this virus, I’m more comfy having visitors, usually C goes up to our room, so he has peace and he can either watch our tv or watch YouTube on his phone. But he’s happy doing that. Last week he stayed downstairs, but this week we said for God’s sake, at some point we need to start our lives again so this is the start.C can have our room to watch his stuff.

We would love to be able to play, kiss, just cuddle, but that’s still a No No. But I can’t imagine our Boris Johnson announcing, to the country, for all you polygamists, swingers, BDSM lovers, lovers of any kind who do not live in your household, you may now play without restrictions, no safe distancing needed and you can play without your masks. I can’t really see him saying that. But I think we will just have to wait, see how the virus is going, if it begins to spread or finally die off for now. Be sensible in ourselves, so if one of us is feeling unusually unwell, then we will have to keep to safe distancing.

But it’s so hard seeing each other when we are all desperate to play. Both myself and Miss Adira are in need of a mega release, with spankings, fudging, and multi, multi orgasms. LOL. I know Daddy can’t wait to get his hands on a paddle with my butt out for him and I’m pretty sure DiDi will feel the same, though maybe not another 4 hour spanking session, as her shoulder is still giving her problems, mainly due to the fact everything shut down just after our play day together so she hasn’t really been properly checked out yet. 

But looking forward to a lovely afternoon/evening, sitting seperately, but at least we will be together still. Having a takeaway delivered, and I think Daddy is bringing me some sweeties as a treat.

I’m sure we are not alone in wondering when is it safe to meet with your Dom/Domme or with your lover, so I know we are not the only ones having these issues, but fingers crossed life continues to start looking better and we do not get this second wave. Which is my biggest worry.

Things must be looking better coz I’ve shaved and put some makeup on today. Another way in which I am trying to get life back to how it was. Next stage will be healthy eating, but Master and I are in the getting mentally prepared stage, as we like to call it. Where we spend a month contemplating dieting and then deciding if we can really be bothered or not. But we both know we should do really, it’s just hard work, and we like our goodies too much. 

Here’s to the world slowly getting things going, improving, safer, wearing our masks when we go out is no hardship really compared to the alternatives.

Got my butt spanked

Got my butt spanked last time as I accused Master of lying twice yesterday, he does not like to called a liar ever. As he never lies.

I couldn’t find 2 different things, thinking Master had moved them, to wind me up so I go looking for ages. They were actually where I left them.

Instead of asking him to help me look, or did he see where I put it, or just looking more, I told Master he musta done it. Unfortunately for me, I was wrong. And I deserved this spanking.

Master has now decided morning spankings will resume as he thinks I’m in need of it.

Last night I was bent over the bed whilst the Giant Devil walloped my ass.

This morning I was over his knee, whilst the Little Devil walloped my ass.

Pretending to ride Master’s Can-Am

Or pretending to as really there’s no way I can ride one of these. I’ve no core strength and it’s no good for my back anyway. Just have to wait til he buys Can-Am Spider RT. Which basically has like a proper armchair type of seat at the back, so it would be safer for me to go on with him.

Manho’s blog for February.

Manho’s Blog


So my avid readers, it’s been a while since my last blog so I thought it was time for a little catch up, so Christmas and New Year has past and all in all its been a rather quiet start to this year, not much has happened. Little Minxs has been, well, let’s say a reasonably good girl, although she has had her moments and I would say is long overdue for a good bloody spanking, but I am debating whether it should be a fun spanking or a punishment spanking, we shall see. Although both Little Minxs and Piggy had a good spanking session a week ago and was rather quite arousing to see my two girls playing and what not. 

Now as for me, I may have got me in troubles a little, for lord only knows what for and when Master and Little Minxs came to see me and Piggy a week ago, I was apparently due a prodding with the cattle prod Piggy had got as a Christmas present from Master. Now let me say this for the record, that shit hurts like a son of a bitch and only had a prod once on Boxing Day when we visited Master and Little Minxs and trust me I did not like it at all. Must admit I don’t like receiving a  spanking punishment either, cause if I’m honest, I am a whimp. Anyhow Master asked me to give him a suitable replacement punishment instead of a prodding with the cattle prod, so stupidly I suggested using one of piggy’s anal plugs wearing it all day whilst I was at work, with that said Master agreed and I had to take photos every two hours and send them to Little Minxs as proof.

The following Monday I got up at bit earlier, knowing I had to stick an anal plug up me bum. So I had the lube and plug ready the night before in the bathroom, I goes into the bathroom, does me teeth and what not, then lubed up the anal plug and god all mighty, trying to negotiate getting the plug up me bum was an experience. Now being honest I am not the smallest of peoples and trying to stick the bloody plug in was an experience that nearly bloody killed me, I ended up several times nearly falling into the bath, trying to get the plug in and I am not talking about the bath plug either. Eventually the plug managed to find its was up the bum so I thought. job done and start to walk onto the landing to get dressed and after literally two steps, the bloody thing fell out, so again I had the messing about trying to stick the plug in the hole. Finally job done, I go to get dressed and again the thing fell out, for F@*k sake I muttered, again I got it back up. I got meself dressed and finished off what I needed to do, still feeling this dam plug slipping out. So after about 15-20 minutes I felt a little sick and a couple of minutes after that, my head was in the white porcelain goddess, gagging and being a little sick. I thought nope, I can’t do this and pulled the plug out. Now I know this was a replacement punishment and I spoke with Little Minxs that morning and explained what had happened, she was giggling at my misfortune, evil Little Minxs she was. So I sent a video message to Master with regards my incident shall we say, with the anal plug and I don’t think he was impressed. A little while later I received a message from Master and it read, I have to wear a bra and knickers and stand outside a pub and take a photo with just these on and the photo must include the signage as well, this must be done and sent by the 7th March. I have to now do these pictures and 10 of them by the 7th March! Bollocks is all I am going to say with that.

Anyway I must now plan what public houses I am going to take these photos from and ensure they are submitted to Master before the 7th, I will let you know how I get on, until next time…….

What’s happened in February

So what’s been going on recently………


Even though we are only half way through February, I felt there was enough to talk about now.

Happy Valentines Day to all my readers, hope you were all spoilt rotten, spanked hard and fudged even harder  🙂

I’m trying to get into my new rules, asking Miss Adira if I can go to the toilet, sometimes she tells me I have to go outside, videoed and once sing her a song at the same time, just for her amusement. And that was incredibly difficult. Concentrating on crouching down and weeing outside, but then to concentrate on singing the song, as it had been raining all day, the song I chose to sing was It’s Raining, It’s pouring. But when I actually felt I needed a wee, it had stopped raining but I did it anyway. And she was amused.

Snooze time is still a hard rule, one I’ve had for a long time, but my stubbornness sometimes makes me fight it, I have genuinely forgotten once, on a Saturday, I know Miss Adira was not happy about that. I know I need it as my sleep is just rubbish, but somehow though I am 99% submissive, that 1% is always connected to me thinking I should be able to choose if I want a snooze or not. Mainly due to the fact that all I think about it is, what I could be doing instead of sleeping. Sometimes I feel okay after a nap, other times I feel even more tired. I take my kindle, the dogs settle quickly on the bed and I get myself comfy, prop up my book so all I need to do is use 1 finger to move the page. This is usually the best way of getting me to sleep, but there are times I just rest and read. Miss Adira is happy with that, as long as I have timeout in bed to rewind, snooze or just rest.

The rule about using no slang, having correct punctuation and grammar isn’t going too bad, sometimes if I’m having a rant or excited about something I may forget and use slang but it’s getting back into the habit of not using text speech and use the Queen’s English instead. Miss Adira hasn’t pulled me up about it but I like to think I don’t do it often. If I’ve noticed in my messages I will correct it before sending it. So this is going well.


Now to the most exciting part of what’s happened so far. One of Miss Adira’s rules is to practice making myself squirt twice a week and video it. This is something I’ve never accomplished by myself, I do a lot when my Doms play with me, often wondering where all this cum comes from inside of me, as I can squirt and squirt, cum and cum multi times in one play. Only stopping because I’ve exhausted myself. I’ve bought myself many G’spot toys to try to find the spot, all to no avail. My first try was a total fail, oh I had a lovely play but nothing else. I’d rubbed all around my insides, catch a spot but just not get the right angle. Miss Adira had a very good vibrator that she says she uses a lot but it cost a lot, like £90 or something. I said that it would have to be a birthday or Christmas present at that price. Then she found one, in the sale, like reduced to £50 or just under. So I got it. And I must say as vibrators go, it’s pretty wicked. But even with this toy I couldn’t squirt. I was annoyed with myself, I felt I’d let myself down but mostly let Miss Adira down. Though I know she wouldn’t be as she could see I was trying and the point of the exercise was to keep trying. One day a while ago Miss Adira then sent me a link to a YouTube video, about how to make yourself squirt. A man, walking in the park, telling us women what to do. Oblivious of who walked past as he said squirting in nearly every sentence. But I listened to what he said and waited until I could try again. I had a while to wait as I had some female health issues to deal with. But once I felt better I thought I was ready to try. Miss Adira had also said it was all about relaxing, enjoying a good play, multi orgasms, then relax and see what happens. 

So this week I thought right, lets try, set up the video, cushions, waterproof mat (most important), vibrator and lube, dogs were settled on the other end of the bed, so I began. Enjoying a very good play, cumming 4-5 times, I was spent, but I always enjoy keeping the vibrator going inside whilst I come down from my high. I turned it around so the rabbit ears teased my bottom, then gently rubbed my back wall, I’d changed the settling so it felt different, I could soon feel myself building up again, a different pressure was growing, rubbing my vibrator quicker, more fiercely I felt the pressure explode and I began to leak. Not sure at first if it was me squirting or me peeing. But I knew, I knew the continued feeling, the high, the complete release. I’d forgotten I was videoing it, talking to myself I cried out, “I’m doing it, I’m squirting, I can’t believe I’ve done it, OMG, YYEEEHHHHH.” (This amused Miss Adira a lot,) I have to say I was really proud of myself as I have tried so many times and failed. But after enjoying that first time, I continued to play, now I know what to do. I stopped the video and set it again to video my play. This would be a short one for Master and Daddy. I wanted them to see me squirt and be part of it too, but I know Miss Adira will want her own video to be just for her. I continued to enjoy playing and squirting until I really couldn’t go on anymore, physically I was exhausted, my arm heavy and tired. I still wonder where all this fluid comes from, the waterproof mat was sodden.

Eventually I got up with shaky legs, tidied up, and gave myself a quick shower. I couldn’t wait to tell my Doms. Master will be very proud of me and so would Miss Adira. So I went on our group chat, (knowing Miss Adira would see if first) and sent her a link to a girl squirting on YouTube. She responded immediately. “Why you looking a naughty pictures ?”  “Am I not allowed ?” I replied. “That’s not what I asked or said “ Miss Adira replied. Feeling a teeny weeny bit cheeky I said “So you wanna know why I’m looking at naughty pics ?” “Go on then,” She said.

“COZ I DID IT. I ACTUALLY DID IT.” I said, sending her the video.

A bit later she told me she was very proud of me, which made me grin like a Cheshire cat. Where did that saying come from ? Is it an old wives tale ?

To grin like a Cheshire cat means to smile broadly. Some definitions of the term stipulate that the smile must be so broad as to expose the gums. The idiom grin like a Cheshire cat may have the connotation that the person who is grinning is in possession of knowledge that the beholder is not aware of. 

Ahhh learn something new everyday.


So this was a real achievement for me. What else has gone on……well Miss Adira has a real good memory and remembers punishments that are long overdue. One being, getting me to make an origami farm barn. She loves telling me to make her origami animals and has a huge collection now, so then she decided she wanted a barn, found a YouTube video of what she liked and sent it me. I had tried to avoid doing it after trying once but she never forgot. She reminded me at the beginning of this week, wanting it done by the end of the week. I had no choice but do it. It took me all morning to just measure and get all the walls the same size, length and width. After my snooze I then began putting doors and windows in it, some where the windows were open, large barn doors that opened, others that didn’t. The next day I painted them but my paint was dried up so I mixed water in and it was more like watercolours. It wasn’t that bad but not perfect and I couldn’t figure out how to improve it. That afternoon I measured the windows so I could put in animals, looking through the window, others that would sit outside the barn and a farmer. Then I coloured those in. At bedtime I decided to colour the window frames with felt tips and make the outlines stronger. When I did that it looked much better. Not perfect but nearly there. Today was the day to now put it altogether, to fold the flaps that stuck to the walls etc and this was really frustrating. I needed another pair of hands but no one was in, so I persevered and suddenly the 4 walls were standing up on their own. I left it to dry before facing the roof, which was even harder. But again I thought about it before getting in a tizwaz and one side was up, then the other was done. I glued it down more, plus the edges of the walls where you could see the join, I stood back and I have to say, not to sound big headed coz I’m not at all, but I stood back and I was impressed. I think Miss Adira is going to love it, well I hope she will and could see all the hours it took to make it. I wonder if she thinks I’m going to try to make an excuse as to why I’ve not done it………..I will let you know.

Finally there’s one more thing to tell you, this makes me very hot under the collar, excited is beyond how I feel, so here goes……..Now I often day dream or dream about play scenes I’m in, often these dreams I have, I try to make them come true in the stories I’m writing. This one developed after something that happened with Daddy and I. We were shopping in a supermarket when Daddy was getting something from the delicatessen, So I wandered off to look around, I wasn’t far but he couldn’t see me. All of a sudden I heard his voice, booming, “Little’en where are you ?” I popped my head around so he could see me, “Get here now.” He said loudly. I felt myself blush but also become damp, no, wet between my legs. Excited by the embarrassment of it all, everyone staring at me, I felt humiliated. I’m still very surprised he didn’t wallop my backside there and then, but I got severe warnings never to wander off again. I tried to explain that I was a big girl, I was capable of not getting lost in the supermarket and I knew where he was but he told me I was not, I was his ‘little’ and he would not have me wandering around without telling him where I was going but he did not want me leaving his side, end off.

Now this little real scene has played around my head ever since and too this day still gets rather excited.

Then I had this day dream, which grew in my night dreams and got me rather excited. So imagine the scene……………………….

I was having a day out with Daddy and Miss Adira, we were going to a huge European outdoor market. I had strict instructions to stay by the side of Daddy or Miss Adira at all times. Now I love my dresses and handbags, so any stall or shop that sells them, I will let my temptation get the better of me. So I wandered to the stall selling dresses, about 3 stalls away from where my Doms were. After a few seconds Daddy realised I wasn’t with them, he and Miss Adira began calling my name, Daddy began panicking. Until I eventually popped out from between the clothes to see them. They were livid.

“I think you need to go to the car and have a quiet word with Aurora,” Miss Adira told Daddy. She looked at her watch, “It’s nearly lunchtime so why don’t I get a table in that pub we passed by the car park and you come back to me.”  I was a bit confused, why do we need to go to the car for a telling off. Daddy agreed and we walked towards the car park, leaving Miss Adira to get us a table in the pub. Daddy had a firm grip of my hand as we marched to the car, unlocking it he told me to get in the back seat. He walked around to the front passenger side, moving the back of the seat forward, he took something out of the glovebox but I didn’t see what it was, putting it on the seat. Moving the back of the driver’s seat forward he then climbed into the back seat next to me. The lecture began, don’t think I’ve seen him this mad before. 

“Turn around and face the back window,” He told me, “Spread your legs and lift your dress up.” Looking at him in surprise, I could tell he was deadly serious, so I did as I was told.

He wrapped his left hand under my tummy and held my hip tightly, hugging my body to his, then a severe spanking began with a wooden paddle, I’d no idea where the paddle had come from, all I knew was that Daddy was pounding my butt so hard I was crying almost straight away, I couldn’t hear what he was saying, the slap of wood hitting skin and my sobbing drowned his words out. I just remember him warning me to scream internally which is very very hard to do. Sometimes I opened my eyes and saw people walking past, in their own little world, not paying any attention to what noises they may hear as they went past our car. 

Eventually Daddy stopped, there was no loving after-care, he handed me some baby wipes and told me to wipe my own bottom clean, there was a lot of burst blisters and broken skin, so it took a lot of wipes before my skin was free of blood. Then I wiped my face clean of tears, snot and smudged make up. Daddy cleaned the paddle and went to the front seat to put it and the wipes back in the glovebox. He helped me out of the car, held me until my wobbily feet felt solid again then gave me a kiss and cuddle. Warning me to stay with them again for the rest of the day, sniffing I nodded and said I was sorry.

We walked to the pub and found Miss Adira, she told me to sit bare on the chair as I began to carefully touch the seat and eventually sit. “I take it we’ve had a chat,” She asked Daddy. “Yes we have and there shouldn’t be a problem again, but if there is, it will be your turn to speak to her, won’t it Littl’en.” Daddy asked me, “Yes Daddy,” I replied. “Very good,” Miss Adira said, clearly amused at this idea and seeing my discomfort. 

We ate our meal then proceeded to enjoy the day, looking at the stalls. I stayed with Daddy and Miss Adira, until I spotted an interesting stall. They were busy talking to the salesman, so I left them for only a few seconds to go and look at some handbags. I could clearly see them but by the time I’d wandered around the bag stall I was on the other side and couldn’t be seen. Until I heard Miss Adira shouting my name. She was so angry, stomping towards me, I was that shocked I peed a little, feeling it dribble down my legs. “What did we tell you ?” She told me, grabbing my arm, telling Daddy that we would meet in the pub again, she marched me back to the car, whilst people stared at us. I begged her not to spank me, that I couldn’t handle anymore. “Well you obviously haven’t learnt to do as you are told, get in the car now.” She ordered.

This time it was her turn to go to the glovebox, so I expected her to bring out the dreaded wooden paddle, with those evil holes that blistered my bottom. She came and sat in the back seat, telling me to climb into the front seat for a second. Then she moved over so she was more in the middle of the seat. “Come over here, over my knee, head to my left, now please.” I was told, “Lift your dress.” I climbed awkwardly so I was over her knee, my head touching the door, my legs bent so my feet were up by the window. Well you can guess what came next, except it wasn’t the wooden paddle. I gasped and bit my hand, “W..w…what’s that DiDi ?” I asked. “You know this, it’s my favourite paddle.” She showed me the black leather paddle with metal studs on one side, “Have you bought another ?” I asked. “Oh yes, both are new paddles and we have new ones to keep in your car too. You will not get away with anything at anytime. Like now, when you will not stay with us. But you will learn the hard way. No moving or screaming out, maybe you will learn after this.” 

My bottom, sit spots and backs of legs were spanked raw, the open blisters were bleeding almost straight away, I sobbed like a baby for the entire spanking. And struggled to get up when it was over. I sat awkwardly on her knee as she gave me a cuddle, before we got out of the car. “Now can we please enjoy the rest of the day.” She asked as she held my hand, “Lets go and find Daddy.”

We found him in the pub at the same table, I was still struggling to get my breath calmed down and found it excruciating to sit down bare. We had a drink then got up to go back to the market. 

“Look what I got you,” Daddy said, showing me a pink strap thing. He put one end around my left wrist and the other around his right wrist. “Now there’s no chance of you wandering off. I bought 3, you keep one in your handbag all the time and one for each car. This will not happen again.” I was mad, wearing a toddlers wrist strap, I felt like an idiot but I couldn’t take it off. I muttered “Yes Daddy,” then we enjoyed the rest of the day.


Now this long story about my dream has turned me on a lot, it sounds exciting, knowing what’s in the glovebox, what could happen at any time. Anyway I told Miss Adira about my dream and she thought it was a fantastic idea, telling Daddy who also agreed. So I have bought 2 leather studded paddles, 2 wooden with holes and 3 pink toddler wrist straps so when they come they will be going into the gloveboxes. It’s a scary but exciting thought knowing they will be there, but adds to the fun as well.


I’ve one more exciting blog to write but I’m not doing it now as this one deserves its own separate blog. But it will have something to do with my latest pictures and videos about playtime with my Mistress. Catch you on the next blog.

My stubborn behaviour left me feeling so guilty, I had to own up about my indescretion.

Miss Adira set a new rule about July time, that I could not dye my hair my usual plum colour, not dye it at all. She wanted to see my natural hair color and I hate my natural colour, strawberry blond, it’s a bit dull, boring. Much preferring the bold, bright purple or bright chilli red. It kinda makes a statement, shows my real personality. I was not happy at all, every week or so, I asked and the answer was always no. After a month or so, I heard her tell Master that she was only doing it to wind me up, it was funny. Well I was fuming when I heard that, I said, “Well if that’s the case then, I will dye my hair this week.” “No you will not.” She stated, I could tell she meant every word. 

There was no changing her mind, and I was getting more and more peeved about it. By late October my stubborn, pigheaded head was working overtime, my bratty head began working too much. One night I was sat in bed, it was time for me to turn the TV off and do some colouring for 20 minutes, Miss Adira’s rule.

I began thinking, Well if Miss Adira won’t let me dye my hair, then I’m not gonna do my colouring and I’m gonna watch TV until 10pm, so there. IMaging me pulling my tongue out as well, being a real brat.

So it began, I had this thought every night, but because I’m so stubborn, I continued my deception. Thinking I had one over Miss Adira. 

As time went on, I began to feel terribly guilty. But the more she repeatedly said No to me, the more I continued. I often worried if Master had got the camera in our room working so Miss Adira or Daddy could connect to it and see what I was up to. 

I also wondered why Miss Adira hadn’t asked where was my daily photograph to show the colouring I did the night before. She never asked once. Naturally I never mentioned it, but I was very surprised about her non-reaction.

This was very unlike Miss Adira, She is always on the ball with my tasks,  knowing immediately if I’ve missed one, yet she still said nothing.

I think this made my guilty feeling become stronger, By the end of November every night I felt immense guilt turning the lights and TV off at 10pm, but I continued. The same thoughts going in my head, Well if DiDi won’t let me dye my hair, then I’m still not doing my colouring. I know it’s pathetic, ridiculous and most of all very childish.

After our lovely weekend celebrating Miss Adira’s birthday, I thought I had to own up. It was getting closer to Christmas, my guilt was building inside, so just before Christmas I told her, well I thought I messaged her on Whatsapp, but I couldn’t find it so I asked DiDi to look. Apparently I wrote it in my daily diary and on Whatsapp, I got this message, “Just dye your hair.” I replied “No, I’m not doing it.”

By now, I’d kinda accepted that I was never gonna be able to dye me hair again, I’d just have to deal with the colour, it didn’t help when Daddy kept telling me to just dye my hair. I repeatedly told him, “It is more than my life is worth.” So I was starting to accept my natural hair colour.

Then on Boxing Day when we were exchanging gifts, Miss Adira handed me a basket filled with little gifts, the first thing I saw was a box of hair dye, exactly the one I use. Apparently Master had the job of trying to find a box of my hair colour in my bedroom cupboards, take a picture of it and send it to DiDi, so she could buy the right one. It was quite a task for him to do it without me seeing or finding it out.

So you can imagine the guilt I felt then. It was the worst feeling ever. And as the days went on, Miss Adira still said nothing about my indiscretion. On the 2nd January the boys were back at work, the rules were starting again, after being allowed a Christmas break. I asked Miss Adira if the bedtime rules restart, she replied. “You would presume correct.” 

Again there was no other comment from her, I swear this is like the worst punishment I could have about this. My guilt was just bursting out, it was killing me just waiting for her to say something about it.

On the 8th January I asked again, “Are you ever going to bring up the bedtime crime ?” I asked her, I was feeling really guilty about it. She sent me a very happy, smiley emoji as her reply. “That’s why you’re not saying anything isn’t it, coz you know this was as bad as receiving a punishment.” I stated. “Yup,” she said. “Oh that’s cruel, so so cruel,” I replied. “Yes I am,” DiDi answered. “But still loves ya,” I told her. “Love you more,” she answered.

From then on, my guilt started to lift, it was very slow, and at bedtime I still thought about it. So my rule is bedtime at 9pm, watch TV until 9.40pm, turn the TV off and do some colouring until 10pm. If I’m tired before then, I am to go to sleep.

So as it’s a new year, Miss Adira wanted to take our dynamic further, we both wanted her to go stricter, she wanted to add more restrictive rules, like Daddy choosing my clothes for the day, choosing my meals, telling me if I’m allowed booze or treaties. I told her I was very happy to have more, so we spent the next few days discussing possible new rules. Set so many hours watching TV, Should I ask to watch TV, Should I ask to watch the particular programme.

In the end we finally got some new rules set.

  1. Ask to sit on the furniture when we are together as a group or just us.
  2. Ask permission to use the toilet. (If no response in time to be determined) then consider permission is granted.
  3. 6 hours of TV per day – time can be earned or deducted, if deducted then Miss Adira will notify ma about what can be done instead in the time deducted. This goes from 8am to 5pm. From 5pm – 8.45pm it’s Master’s choice of TV. If I’m up in the night, I may watch unlimited TV of recorded programmes only, until 8am.
  4. Permission to speak to be asked for. When in the group, ask to speak once for the time together. When it’s just the 2 of us, ask every time.
  5. Permission to be asked for what colour I will dye my hair.
  6. To play with oneself to learn how to make myself squirt, twice a week, videoed.
  7. I am to keep a butt plug and jingle balls in my handbag all the time so at anytime Miss Adira can tell me to go and put either in and video doing it.
  8. Improve on etiquette, good manners, behaving ladylike and courteous to others. Addressing people correctly, waiting for everyone to get their food before eating, not talking over people, opening the door for someone, when passing a drink in a cup ensure the handle is facing them.
  9. Months when chapters of MissAdita’s book is to be written are – February, April. June, August, October and December.


My first experience with the jiggle balls was on Monday. I was going to a ballet at the theatre, Miss Adira had told me to go to the toilets in the interval and put the jingles in, videoing it as well. I asked if she would mind if I did it when we first get to the theatre as I don’t go to the toilets in the interval, the queue is always far too long. She said that was fine.

We arrived with plenty of time, so I headed to the disabled toilet, got me phone out and put it in a place where he would be able to see a bit. I had no lube so I put a little bit of soap on it. Well could I put the darnn thing in……no I could not. Huffing and puffing it was not easy, my right foot up on the toilet. I could not shove the thing in. I could hear people outside, there was a queue now. So I tried my left leg up on the toilet, see if that works. No, this way was even worse. All the while I talked to Miss Adira quietly so no one else could hear me. After 3 minutes, I thought I can’t be in here any longer, I had to give up. So I told Miss Adira that this was a complete fail for my first go, maybe I was rushing in the public toilets. I didn’t understand it, I’ve put them in many, many times, I was going to have to figure it out over the next few days at home. Miss Adira said the video was the funniest thing she has watched in a long time, listening to you huff and puff, talking quietly, struggling coz you had all your clothes bunched up, it was hilarious. I’m surprised my mother-in-law didn’t ask why I was all flushed, because I must’ve been.

Two days later I felt like I’d been fisted for hours, I felt bruised and battered around my happy spot, I presume from trying to put the jiggle in. After I’d done my homework, I had time to video part 2 of the jiggles as I am now calling it. Finding somewhere to put my phone, I sat down this time, one leg up on the stool, then just as I pressed record and began, the phone fell down, this repeated about 3 more times. Before I stopped the video, thinking about where I can go and put the camera before I call time again. Surely that wasn’t going to happen again. I sorted myself out, changed position, sorted my phone out, ready for the restart of part 2. I began again. Lubed up, I pushed the first ball in but it popped out, I pushed it back, trying to push the second ball in but as soon as I took my finger away, the darnn thing popped out again. I was beside myself now, why wouldn’t the flamin thing go in. I felt relaxed but by the God, I seemed closed up tight. Trying over and over I was losing patience. That’s it, I’m done today. Epic fail, part 2.

The next day after I had a shower, I spent some time having a little play, following the rules Miss Adira had set, trying to make myself squirt, I had to video it so Miss Adira could see if I squirted or not. Anyway that didn’t happen, but I did enjoy the play. So I decided to try Part 3 of the jingles again now I was lubed up and spread open a bit from using my fav rabbit. Still lying on the bed, I pushed the first ball in easily, (why was it so difficult before) the second ball went in with a bit of a shove. Pushing them right up there though, was a bit difficult. My fingers aren’t long enough to reach, I did think about using my rabbit to push it further up lol, but then after another thrust up, it stayed in place. Finally I had done it, I can’t believe it took 3 goes to do it. We have little sachets of lube we bought if we went to the swingers club, so I have now put some in the bag with my jingle, so at anytime Miss Adira tells me to put it in, I’m prepared. I just hope I don’t have to lie on the public toilets floor to put it in all the time though.

Anyway I finally did it for Miss Adira and kept it in until my afternoon nap, she was very pleased and amused by the latest video, so I was pleased I had made her proud of me and for me myself, well I was proud of myself because I really couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t do it, I was determined to do it and I did. Plus they felt darnn good too. I put a little bounce in my step to feel the balls jingle inside me……..mmmmm I like them.