Piggy/Miss Adora’s blog for November.

So another lockdown, another covid test and another positive result…

Pretty much getting fed up with it all now. So it was my hubbies and my turn to test positive this time. Only this time I had an appointment I couldn’t miss, I’d had to cancel it once already and really didn’t want to again. 

I’d been waiting for a an appointment to get my lady bits checked out. See, I’d had an abnormal smear and needed further investigation,  now I’d already cancelled it once before and really didn’t want to again. Well working out from my positive result date and my appointment, I was good but only by a few days. 

So, to cut a long story short, I’ve been to the appointment, the team I saw were fantastic and really did put me at ease. I’m due my results any day soon from the biopsy they took, so hopefully it’s good news.

Manho the Daddy’s blog for November.

Manho’s November blog.

How do, readers, another month past and ever so close to Christmas…..bloody cancelled. 

So what’s happened in this last month, well both me and Piggy decided to go and get the woohoo flu at the beginning of the month, I thinks I may of caught it at work with one of my valued colleagues, the diseased son of a bitch, then passed onto Piggy. So we were both off for the beginning of November which was rather crap. 

At the end of our isolation, my new motor scooter arrived, so I decided to get a bobber styled motorcycle as Piggy wouldn’t ride on the back of the sports bike I had, so I hunted for a nice either cruiser or bobber and found a Yamaha xv950 which had a lot of custom parts added and rather nice, and must admit rides really nice as well.

I took Piggy to work on the old motorcycle and realised the rear shocks needed adjusting so it was not as bouncy. So after taking her to work on it, I went to see the lads at the garage I used and they adjusted the shocks for free and they, I say they, it’s a family run business, father and son, both had a jolly ride on it and both thoroughly enjoyed it and was impressed.

So apart from having woohoo flu and obtaining a new motorcycle not much has happened, work then home, work then home…

Oh I bought Piggy a new fish tank as part of her Xmas present as she does rather like her fishes, so just ordered all her bits to start up with so she can set her tank up, then we can look at introducing some fishes, once we know the water is ready. So that will be exciting for her. 

Also it’s her birthday in December so double treat with some new boots she likes…

I have ordered all presents for Master and Little Minx’s from me a Piggy so they will arrive at the beginning of December, then it’s the task of wrapping them…

Anyways, readers, not much more to say this month, all being well a little more of a blog next month as it’s Christmas and New Year, so until next month readers be safe….

Serf/Little Minxs/Aurora’s blog for October.

So nothing much happened in October, nothing really thrilling.

I’ve accomplished another walking challenge, 20 km in two weeks. I have tried to push myself a little bit for each walk, even though it takes me a long time to do my walk, as I go at a snail’s pace, but just the fact I am walking as often as I can is a big deal for me. Though I went on Friday and thought I’d go a different route. A route Master and I had done a few years ago when he was on a walking challenge for work. But as I went along. I realized it was really too far, I was getting sore, so stopping, I logged in on Google maps to see where I was, and what direction I needed to take. Even though this road was only about five minutes away from our house in the car, it’s a road I never go down, so had only a vague idea where it went. 

This route went on and on, and at one point I thought I was going to have to phone Master, (who is still working from home coz of Covid,) and see if he could come and pick me up.

But I was determined I would continue. Anyway, I finally found roads I knew and got home. I was exhausted, walked for nearly an hour. Far too long. 

So I will do only the routes I know, and the way I normally walk, there are beautiful, huge houses to admire.

I’ve also surprised myself, as I walk past many gardens, I’ve seen various plants in flower now and looked beautiful. Now I’m no gardener, I do what I do, plant stuff I like the look of, not really reading where they should go. And usually, my way works. I’ve not got my parent’s green fingers.

So I’ve started to take photo’s of the flowers in bloom or the leaf, and once home, I searched on the app I use, Leaf Finder, this is a great app. Either go on the app and take a photo, or put a photo in you’ve already taken, and they will find the plant. So having found some plants I liked, I then bought some. If they can grow in these gardens, they can grow in mine.

I never thought I would ever do this, in my life. But I am enjoying our little garden and slowly making it disabled friendly, raised borders, safer areas for me to walk on. I’m proud of what we’ve done so far.

Miss Adira and I pass on plant ideas we both may like as she is beginning to enjoy her garden too. And we’ve even swapped cuttings.

So what else, well, we have been very busy doing our van conversion, turning it into our little camper, and we’ve done bloody great if I can say so myself. For our first attempt, I‘d say it’s 90% perfect. Far better than we thought we would do. Hopefully, soon we can actually try it out.

But let’s get to the real elephant in my blog. The flamin Covid. As the norm for my life now, I go to Tesco, drop shopping at my folks and my in-laws then come home. That’s it. Exciting, NOT. Still cannot meet with Daddy, DiDi and the gang. And missing them all so much. But I’m also on alert constantly, checking if anyone is showing signs of the dreaded lurgy. Their son had managed the whole of four days in school before a kid in his bubble had it. So it was almost inevitable to get a message to say his school says he needs a test as he woke with a headache and felt a bit ugh.

But getting the message to say it’s positive, this was getting serious now, this flamin lurgy was getting into my family. I quickly called DiDi, mainly to check she was okay, then eventually spoke with Daddy as I knew they would be concerned. But the fact that C was showing no symptoms, or really feeling poorly, he enjoyed another two weeks off school. Daddy and DiDi were a different matter. OMG, they were sooooooo bored. DiDi did some gardening, but of course, had wanted to buy stuff for the garden, but they couldn’t go out. So they did what they could. 

Then as we knew C had got the lurgy,  I was, I admit, rather panicky if Daddy or DiDi then caught it. Three weeks later, Daddy woke up feeling rough, he had coughed a few times when I chatted with him, DiDi said he had coughed in the night. He’d had night sweats, so I get really panicked. And yes, I got extremely mad when Daddy told me to stop worrying, it’s a little cold, he kept saying. OMG, every little cough and you want us checked out. Well, I can’t say I’m wrong worrying, some people don’t get the symptoms, look at C, I said. And you were coughing, DiDi said you coughed in the night and had the sweats, plus feeling rough. So don’t blame me for worrying that none of you or us are in danger of this horrible virus. (Yes, you can tell I was peeved.) 

Thankfully Daddy does seem to just have a cold and nothing sinister, won’t stop me always being on the lookout for signs though. 

Maybe I’m a bit OTT, I don’t know, but we all have older parents at risk, I admit, my health is not great and let’s face we are all in that middle-aged group. 

On top of this, we are now faced with the second lockdown this year. From 5th November until December, then our Boris will decide what will happen in December and for Christmas. But we want this bloody thing gone, so if that means we cannot meet up with anybody for Christmas, Hey I will deal with it, we can move Christmas to sometime next year when it’s safer. We just need to accept it won’t go until we stop meeting up and infecting people.

So enough of Covid 19.

I did “enjoy” …..no that’s a stretch. Let me explain. As I said, Master is working from home, so occasionally, he comes down to say hello, make a brew, just have a five-minute break. But one day he came into the kitchen, saying he had a half-hour break of meetings so I want some fun. He was baring the dreaded Ikea shoehorn. And he knows I hate that. I said, can’t you have fun and not use that thing. He said no, I like my Christmas shoehorn. (He didn’t get it for Christmas, not sure when it was, but it wasn’t even a present.) The shoehorn toy udea came from a girl I chatted too often on SpankingTube. Her hubby brought out the shoehorn for severe punishments, and she hated it. If I remember rightly, she threw it out once but that didn’t go well for her backside. 

Anyway, bend over and let me have some fun. One arm hugged my waist and the other brought that shoehorn down over and over. At first, I squirmed, wriggled a bit then as my ass got sorer, I could feel a firey burn, I began fighting more. Master moved my hair away from my face so he could watch my expression from each swat, I could see a smirk on his face, yes he was having fun. It’s a pity, I’m not. As his arm grabbed me tighter, his leg wrapped around my leg, so I couldn’t move at all. My cries got louder, yelping as he whacked my legs, trying to cover everywhere, yet knowing I couldn’t. This was twenty minutes of torture yet Master thoroughly enjoyed himself. And I suppose that’s the main thing. I did admire my bruised ass afterward though and got a pretty big bruise on my leg, just under my sit spot.

Piggy / Miss Adira’s blog for October.

So whats happened in October….

Well it all started off well …that was until one fateful Tuesday morning when my son came downstairs, before school, saying he had a headache and felt a bit achy…….

So took his temperature, no that was fine, no cough. So thought, nope, off to school you go. 

Then doubt crept in. Best phone the school…oh dear best get him a covid test, the school secretary told me. WTF for I thought, he doesn’t have any symptoms but anyhow, like a good girl I did. That was fun in itself…

So a day of school for my son, a day of work for me. Then sat there, Wednesday morning, waiting on the results and then boom.

A fecking positive result, bollocks…so everyone was then on isolation for 2 weeks. 

Many messages and phone calls asking how my son was, how was he…looking at him, there was nowt wrong with him, not a symptom in sight and luckily neither me or my hubby contracted it. Well not that we knew…

Manho’s blog for October.

Hello readers, hope we’re all doing well, so what’s happened in the month of October, well really not a lot.

Oh hang on, we had to bloody isolate for fourteen days due to the child rudely getting the woohoo flu. So this happened on a Tuesday, the child woke up complaining of a headache. Piggy shrugged it off as you do, as he is 13 and probably didn’t want to go to school that day. So anyway, Piggy rang the school and explained that the child had this headache and the wonderful reception lady requested that he be taken for a COVID test.

It’s a bloody headache, no temperature, no continuous coughing, or any signs of the woohoo, so Piggy booked him in for a test that morning.

That day, whilst out booking tickets, I received a phone call from my boss, who in his words whilst I was driving said….you need to go home, that was it. Nothing else bar that. So my mind raced and a few seconds later he then chooses to tell me that my child had to go for a test, so he didn’t want me in the office. So I went back, dropped the work car off outside our office, then went home.

Wednesday morning Piggy called me from her pit, as now we had to isolate until we got the results back and hold in behold the child was positive!!!!!

How the bugger was he positive, he went to school then came straight home, didn’t hang about with any one bar his very few select friends in school.

Bugger, I thought, that’s me and Piggy off for two weeks and what a boring two weeks it was. I’ve never watched so much crap TV in my life, honestly, I couldn’t wait to get back to work. Not that I didn’t enjoy spending time with Piggy or the child, who incidentally, you would not of been aware he had COVID to look at him but two weeks house bound.

Also this month Piggy has permitted me a new motor scooter, which I’m in the process of sorting. However, the old Boris Johnson has just announced that we are all to go into a lockdown from the 5th of November.   

Bugger, but this was inevitable I think, so anyway until next month I will let you all know how the motor scooter goes along and how we are doing back into lockdown again……

A few selfies after Master decided he wanted some fun. The shoehorn and my ass.

My blog for September.

How can each month pass by so boringly?

COVID is really getting on my nerves, I feel like part of me is missing, so desperate to touch Daddy and DiDi, it’s been months since we last went to their house and spend the night together and now, according to the new law, we will not be seeing them for the next few months at all. It will be back to having a quick conversation over the garden fence.

Obviously, I am not alone in feeling COVID is getting on my last nerve. Since February, my life has been going to Tesco to food shop for us, my folks, and my inlaws. Drop off the shopping then back home. I’m becoming much more cautious, I wear a mask in the car now, nevermind when I’m in the shops.

It’s infuriating at the supermarket, when people are in the queue to disinfect the trolley we are using, then put antibacterial gel on our hands, yet some people just bypass both, walk straight in, who knows what they then touch. Plus some idiots still don’t wear masks even though it’s the law.

Anyway, as I mentioned in my last blog, I’ve been doing these walking challenges and I’m now on my 4th. Now I choose the medal I like first, then whatever the walk is, I will do. The one for September was 10.1 miles, 16.2 km. I reckoned it would probably be over a month before I finished it, but I smashed it. I started on Sept 1, I finished it Sept 28. I was so chuffed, this was a HUGE accomplishment for me. I’ve had a few walking goals I had been trying to do, (walking to different parts of town, around different blocks, seeing different places), don’t forget I’ve not walked like this for over 8 years. Even when I damaged my back, I would try to walk and fight against the pain, but now, my meds are helping with the pain, I’m finally seeing a loss on the scales, and losing weight gradually, so my walk, though still very very slow, is becoming a little easier. Some days I’m done in after it, there’s no way I can do anything else for the rest of the day, so I think those walks were too long. I’m amazed how much I am enjoying it, still listening to my Nashville soundtracks, doubt that will ever change. I did one long walk that was really too long, stupid of me to try. My thoughts were, I used to manage this walk with our dogs, years ago, but I got ¾ through it before I began thinking I can’t do it, I’m going to have to take a shortcut, but stupidly my sensible head was gone, so I pushed and pushed and continued. When I got home, oh boy my back, my hips were killing and I was like this for 3 days. So I cannot do that again and I should know better. I am now aiming for some Christmas medals, the one I’m doing now is called Shelf to 5 km, a cheeky elf medal, there were 2 varieties, elf with a blue background or an elf with a clear glittery background, or you can do the walk twice or buy them both. I bought them both mainly because there are another 3 Christmas medals I’d like to achieve before the end of the year. I just have to wear my big girl panties and go for walks in all weather. It won’t do me any harm having a walk whilst it’s raining.

My biggest walking challenge had to be me walking to the local Mercedes dealership, okay it’s only a 0.22 km, 0.14 mile walk, it was a walk I did regularly and I was determined to do it. I finally did it on Tuesday. I knew I was grinning like a Cheshire cat. The first person I wanted to tell was Miss Adira, only because we had chatted about this a few times. I took a selfie to show the gang and the best thing was I wasn’t sore after it. Master said he was really proud of me doing this walk and doing that challenge in less than a month. I think we both thought it would take much longer to complete and I know he worries about my back as he knows I can push myself far too much, to the point I’m in agony for weeks and can’t do anything.

Anyway, what else has happened…our poor kittykat had to have an operation last week, it’s her first operation and at 131/2 yrs old, that’s pretty good. But she had an “old age” lump growing on the side of her back leg. Last year it was infected, that’s when the vet said it was “an old age lump.” Then typically when the main lockdown happened in March, it became infected twice but I managed to clear it as we couldn’t get an appointment at the vets. But this time it looked nasty, so we went and as we suspected, the vet said it needs to come off. The next day after a fight getting her in the catbox, I left her with the vet. Picking her up about 3pm, leave her in for the next week or so, bring her back on Tuesday to take the dressing off, the nurse told me. As I had asked, she had a very nice pink dressing on. We had to buy a new litter tray and litter because we didn’t own one, she’s never used them. Thankfully for 2 days, she was just wanting to sleep. But the following day, we can safely say she was not happy, she wanted to go out. So putting a dog sock over her dressing, we let her go. Now I know this was against recommendation, but we know our kittykat, she will feel better going out for half an hour, then back inside to go to sleep. On her final check-up, she needed to wear a cone to stop her from touching it and told do not let her out for 2 weeks. OMG. Yeh, the cone lasted 10 minutes, we let her out, she came in a bit later looking happy and so far, she is doing great. Now I know some may say we shudda followed what the vet said but we’ve had many pets and we can tell what is best for it. But we are watching her wound daily so if I think we’ve gone wrong, she will be back at the vets.

Now the other big, huge thing to tell you is Master and I are now the proud owners of a white van. Why is that so interesting, you may ask, well we are converting it into a campervan. Literally pulling everything out, down to the shell and starting from the beginning. We have never done anything like this before. Master is going through his mid-life crisis still and his need / love for speed is becoming worse. Getting fed up with speeding cameras, police on the road, he discovered there were no speed restrictions on the water. So my non-swimming partner decides he wants a jetski. He did a day of training, using a jetski and passed the test. So all his kit cars sold, we bought a van to convert, ordered a brand new 2021 jetski which will arrive just before Christmas, and ordered a little scooter to put on a bike rack. This way, if we are parked for the day or night and realize we have forgotten something, rather than having to store everything away in the camper to drive to the shops, he can pop on the scooter and go. So this a brand new scooter arrives next week. 

We are hoping to have our first night away in the camper by Spring next year, maybe we can get a day trip in it before Christmas. Master has watched countless hours on YouTube about how to do this and that, plus I am even getting to use mechanical, scary tools !! Something Daddy was slightly worried about, as he thought I may end up cutting a finger off or something like that. 

I must say I never thought at 51, I would be doing this, but I am having so much fun and enjoying working side by side with Master. Though he does enjoy watching my chaotic way of working but I think this is improving slightly. 

When we were putting the soundproofing in, Master did say, when we put the harnesses on the ceiling, to make a St Andrews Cross, no one will hear a thing. Plus put harnesses where the bed will be, so I can be tied to the bed. Not sure if this will happen, but the idea is rather fun and exciting.

So I suppose even though I said it was a bit of a boring month, reading this, I’ve done quite a bit. Anyway, let’s see what happens in October. Catch up later girls and boys.

Some selfies whilst dying my hair plum colour.

Think someone wants to give my ass a spanking.
Yes please Master
Spank me. Squeeze my ass. Then spank me more.

Piggy’s (Miss Adira’s) August blog.

Piggy’s (Miss Adira’s) Blog for August

So not much has happened in August, so I’ll tell you what I have planned for September.

So firstly it’s mine and the hubbies anniversary, 13 years that we have been married (suppose I’d better get him a card) we aren’t doing anything. If I’m honest we don’t normally, someone forgot one year and let’s just say it wasn’t me.

Something exciting is happening though on one of the Saturdays, I’m getting a tattoo. What another tattoo you say, why is that exciting! Well this is very special to me, before having C, we unfortunately lost our little girl at 20 weeks. Jessica is very much a part of our family, she certainly has not been forgotten. We talk about her constantly, we have pictures around our home that reference her presence and her being a part of the family. I have been wanting another tattoo in her honour, I have two others for her and one that incorporates both my children.

The one I’m going to get has taken some thought about what I wanted, where I wanted it. I have been researching some elements I wanted to have incorporated within the design but again wanted something quite simple. I wanted a baby loss ribbon, but this needed to be the main body of a butterfly but didn’t want it to be too tatty or simple. Then I wanted to have an element of water colour within it as well. I saw all the ideas that I wanted and sent it to my tattooist who put all the elements and did me a design. I like what he sent to me, I loved the look of it, I have shown it to a few people and they have said it’s really pretty and beautiful. The tattoo is not to the scale that I have had previously, my others have taken up to 6 hours to complete, this one should take no more than 2 hours. I’m really looking forward to getting this done and seeing what the end product looks like.

I will no doubt tell you about it and show pictures on my next blog, take care everyone.

Oh wait we are out of local lockdown so I can finally get my eyebrows done, they are a mess and really need to get sorted out……..

Miss Adira’s blog for July.

Hi Everyone 

I hope that you are well and still coping well with the current situation. We are all doing good. We have managed to sneak in some meetups. Although you already know this as Aurora has already mentioned this and yes it was nice to see everyone. 

So a bit about what I have been doing, or trying to do. When the lockdown first happened I decided that I should enrol in a HR course, something people have been saying that I should do. With my job I do deal with various staff management and HR issues from staff appraisals and various other issues that arise from working with people. I have been doing this for nearly 20 years. I do not have an official qualification for this though, I do for all my people management and such but not for the HR side of things. 

I’ve started a CIPD Level 5 in HR, this was in April, been struggling with motivation. It is a lot of work assignments. There are approximately 8 different topics that I need to cover, each assignment will have a certain amount of word count and I will also have to submit evidence that I have also been putting some of my learning into practise. 

Therefore this month I have really knuckled down into what I need to do in relation to what it is I need to do and familiarise myself with the site again, where I need to look for things and what it is I need to do to finish this. I have set myself a goal of completing it by January 2021, I have until April 2021 to complete by. 

I know this month is short and sweet, but not much else has been happening. 

Wish me luck with my coursework and that i’ll be able to keep myself motivated