Bit of a bad week.

Not a good week.

At the start of the new year, Daddy wanted to go over the rules, seeing if he wanted any changes. There weren’t many, my lines have gone from 50 to 150 every day, and all photos of my lines, my maths, selfie and naughty selfie HAS to be sent before 10am.

Everything else was the same, but he said he would be clamping down on any bratty behaviour, even the tiniest thing.

The brat in me will have to check this out and see if Daddy means this. You know I love being a bit bratty.

On 5th Jan, I was 15 minutes late sending Daddy my tasks.

Daddy told me I had to do double lines in different rainbow colours the next day, 6th Jan.

I was really tired and knew that the lines were not really neat.

So 7th Jan I was told to repeat them again, and make sure I was not making up sentences this time. Apparently I was writing Master instead of Daddy in the sentence.

Tues 8th Jan, my back was awful, I think the mix of December being such a busy time, life in general with my back and then a very nice play on the Monday. I was in agony and could barely walk. So I was told NOT to do anything, rest only. And Daddy was deadly serious about this. But I didn’t break his rule, piles of laundry boxes were in the kitchen waiting to be washed but they would just have to stay there. I went to bed for most of the day, hot water bottles and diazepam were keeping me company.

Wed 9th, my back was no better. I tried to discuss the do nothing rule but Daddy said there was nothing to discuss. I had been blogging in the morning and forgot to send my tasks, I ended up being 14 minutes late again. I also had to admit I swore when writing a message to PiggyJ and said the poo word when I nearly tripped over and headbutted the corner of E’s wardrobe when I was sorting out food for the cat. She lives in his room, her food is kept on the windowsill and he has his arm weights on the floor at the bottom end of his bed, which is the only area you can walk to reach the windowsill.

I had to go to bed at 7pm, plus Daddy had Master put 2 spoons of rice into a container and I had to count them to see how many there were. And do double lines again in rainbow colours. Plus the following day I had to send a selfie every hour from the time I got up to the time I go to bed. He wanted some happy smiling faces and naked selfies too. (Master heard this and suggested I draw smiling faces on my body to send to him as well.) I intend to set a timer for every hour so throughout the day, I would send a picture. Having done this many times for Master, I now take all of them, plus some extras, in one go. So I will set up my selfie stick and wander around taking different shots. PiggyJ told me to set my alarm to go off every morning before your due to send the tasks, just to remind me, so I’ve done this too.

Thurs 9th was a busy day, with double lines, doing the selfies, my back was a little better so I was allowed to do some laundry, but that’s it. I was really tired and as usual became bratty tired Little Minxs. By the end of the day, I was sent to bed at 7pm, I could watch TV until 8pm, but only BBC 1 OR 2, then read a book. NO ELECTRONICS, I have no books, they are all on my kindle, so i found one in E’s room. But when it came to reading it, I couldn’t see the writing. The font on my kindle is bigger, so I tried using my flashlight to help, my magnifying glass was downstairs. I gave up and went to sleep just after 8.

Yesterday, I remembered my tasks, PiggyJ was coming for the day, we should have been going to the cinema but we all thought it wasn’t a good idea, walking to cinema from car park, climbing the stairs, the film was on for 2 hours, so may need to go for a wee during the film, so we decided if I felt okay, we would go for lunch. Master said he would see if he could come along and have a proper lunch time away from the computer but unfortunately he was mad busy as usual. But PiggyJ and I had a great time, chatted bout the boys, kids, everything. It’s so easy to just chat with her, any quiet moments were just natural. We enjoyed our lunch, but had no pudding, that was PiggyJ’s suggestion now we are all getting into healthy eating again. Back home we had a cuppa then PiggyJ had to leave to pick Daddy up from work.

I must admit I was really tired when PiggyJ left, but it came out as a bit bratty. When I pulled a face at Daddy he told me to take my phone and go outside, walk to the other end of the garden, put the phone somewhere where I could see him and then do 5 minute timeout facing the fence with my hands on my head. There was something else I did, can’t remember what, but Daddy said I was banned from drinking alcohol on Saturday when we go round to theirs. I’m not allowed to play either but not because I’ve been naughty, just because I will make my back even worse as I do grind/move around a lot during play.

I went to bed early, fell asleep not long after 8pm. Hopefully next week I will be a good girl all week. Or maybe not lol.

Finally Wednesday arrived, sorry it’s a late post, this was from Dec 5th.

I showered early, shaved, and got dressed. Tidied up the bedroom, and kitchen, then just had to wait for E to get up and go to work. Then went up and put some music on in the bedroom, tidied E’s room then the bathroom. I put makeup on then decided to be naked for when Daddy arrived. Putting my clothes on the chair along with my boots and bag ready for the day ahead.

Daddy arrived almost dead on time, he had a good trip and not too cold. He came in, gave me a kiss and gave the dogs some fuss, he then stripped off all his motorbike clothing, his thermal gear, then took out his clothes for the day. I made a coffee for us whilst he sorted himself out, then said, “I’ve saved I’m a celebrity to watch together, you need to start liking it.” Daddy just looked at me, he doesn’t like I’m a celebrity, “Well we can watch it later, I want you upstairs now.” I was a bit surprised, “I’ve just made coffee, or do you want to have them upstairs ?” I asked. “No, just you upstairs now !” he ordered. “We can heat the coffee up later.”
I locked the front and back door, then went upstairs, followed by Daddy and the dogs. “Right lie on the bed,” He told me. So I got 2 cushions and lay over them, tucking the third under my chin.

Daddy started rummaging through the toys drawer, I turned to look at what he was getting but he told me turn around. Getting the first toy, Daddy started rubbing, squeezing my butt as I relaxed into the bed. The first swat hit, sending sharp stings, then a slap, whatever was this paddle. I like to try to guess what each one is, but it’s not easy. But this sting was quite powerful and the slap hurt a lot. Daddy had his hand on my back to try to stop my wriggling but once he began on the back of my legs, I was wriggling about a lot. He soon put that one down and searched for another toy. My bottom was beginning to feel warm, tingling on my skin as Daddy came back, rubbing my bum, his fingers wandering between my legs, making me relax.

I felt something cold and hard graze over my buttocks, I could tell it was wooden, but which wooden paddle was it ? Daddy started with softer taps to begin with before going harder, it was becoming really painful and I wriggled even more. Thankfully this was only a fun play, so I wasn’t told off for moving, but Daddy kept a hand on my back just incase. The paddle hammered down on each cheek, each sit spot and thighs. That’s when I began rolling away from him. It was nice but boy, did it hurt. After a while he put that one down and rummaged in the drawer again.

Something soft struck my back, I guessed it was the red flogger straight away, it’s soft yet vicious, pounding my back, my bottom then my thighs. The rail ends leaving a bite that stung, but stung nicely. I think I could let him use that for ages, it does feel nice. And Daddy does manage to whip it so those ends snap beautifully.

Back to the drawer and I saw the awful loopy in his hand. This was a new toy for him, so he began softly, even though softly still stings terribly. I think he was enjoying this one, covering my ass, lifting my cheeks to get full access to my sit spot then legs. I’ve noticed he’s very keen on including legs in play or punishment, grabbing my wriggling legs, he just hit my feet, my hands, the soles of my feet if I didn’t stop protecting my sore flesh.

Then he got the jokari out and bloody hell how painful can one little strike be. Luckily Daddy included some very nice fingering play to help me relax again until he continued using it. But there’s nothing nicer than a mix of fingering and spanking.

Stroking my back, legs then bottom, Daddy bent down to bite one cheek, I cried out, unable to wriggle, but thankfully he didn’t go mega hard, I suppose Master would say it was a little nip. Just when I’d recovered from that he went to bite the other cheek, but as I knew what he was going to do, I tried rolling away again. But he grabbed me and rolled me back, holding me firmly as he bit the other cheek. I tried kicking out but it was no use. When he moved away I heard an evil chuckle, he knows how much I hate biting, but he can’t resist.

I hugged onto the cushion as he moved to the drawer again. This time he went back to the first toy then worked he way through them again. But more fingering was needed to calm me down, I did feel on the brink of crying, though I wasn’t fighting them away like normal. If it happened it happened. Today obviously wasn’t the day for it, today was a day for squirting a lot, with plenty of orgasms, as usual Daddy did not let me down.

4-6 orgasms later, squirting 3 times and I was spent, until Daddy asked if I wanted Mr Spikey. Naturally I’m not gonna turn Mr Spikey paddle down.

Daddy started gently at first, tapping one cheek then the other, asking if I wanted it harder, I always said yes. He loves playing with this paddle, watching the dots appear on my bottom,  making a great pattern. Then as the needles went further in and it was hit harder, blood pooled around each dot. For me the pleasure/pain is indescribable, yes it hurts a lot especially if it’s used after a spanking when the skin is already tender and raw.

Eventually Daddy said he would have to stop, but I wasn’t ready so I asked him to continue. He dug out the Giant Devil Paddle, it was his first time using that, it came down fairly hard, covering both cheeks. With each swat I felt blood splatter, Daddy was becoming concerned but trusted me when I said carry on. My bottom was on fire but it felt so good. I didn’t want it to stop.

Until……..Daddy decided to bring out the CPS. He’s heard a lot about it, he’s seen it, felt it’s weight but never used it. Until now.

As soon as I saw it I began protesting  the CPS is for serious punishments, not play. Well unless you’re Master, coz he loves using it. Daddy said it was only fair he got to try it………Mmmmm fair for who exactly.

Immediately after the first swat, I screeched and tried rolling away, but he caught me and held me there, I managed to get an arm out to rub my bum. Daddy let go of me and swatted me again. Right across my sit spot and upper thigh, I cried out so much but Daddy didn’t stop there. He hit again, across the back of my legs. I screamed out loud, grabbing my leg, pulling myself into tge foetal position, Daddy pulled me towards him, holding me tight, kissing me all over until I brought my head up and kissed him back. We stayed like that for a while then he got up, grabbing the CPS again, I thought he was putting it away but no, he walked to the other side of the bed, saying he had to make it even and have 3 swats on this side. I tried to stay still, but the final whack on the back of the legs again made me yelp, cry out and grab my leg. Crickey I hate that thing.

Daddy stopped then, saying that was enough, he didn’t want to damage my ass any further, but I needed a shower. I got it ready, then Daddy joined me. I love having showers or baths together, there’s something extra special about it. Daddy put some shower gel onto a sponge and began washing me, turning me around he knelt down and gently washed my bottom, kissing me as the blood washed away, leaving a lovely dotty pattern on my skin. His hands pushed my legs apart as fingers slipped into my pussy, thick, strong fingers took my breath away, I pushed my ass out and spread my legs further even though there was very little room. I came quickly, such power left me gasping for breath, as Daddy then got up, turned us both around, he sat on the seat, pulling me towards him, to straddle over his knee.

Now I’m no slim bird and Daddy has a little extra weight on him, so trying to straddle him, under the shower was rather amusing. He kept slipping off the seat, so I learned back against the shower cubicle doors, this gave us both a bit of extra support. Daddy played with my clit, rubbing it, fingers entering me, it became a hot, wet, wild play as I came violently on his knee. Getting up off his knee was a laugh, I ended up sliding to the floor but I was in the perfect position to have a play with Daddy’s cock. I licked him, waiting to see if he said no, but he didn’t. So I took him fully into my mouth, careful of where my teeth were so I didn’t scratch him again. I was enjoying this, and I knew by Daddy’s groans he was enjoying it too. But suddenly he pushed me away and stood up, helping me to my feet. Turning the shower off, we got out, Daddy dried me and quickly dried himself then he led me to the bedroom. Laying on the bed, Daddy climbed between my legs. His cock so close to me, yet the serious no touch rule from Master meant he could not enter me, neither could he rub his cock over my wet pussy. We both longed to but we didn’t, the repercussions if we did break this rule was too severe, I couldn’t begin to think of what Master would do if we broke it. But we have too much respect for Master anyway to even consider it. Maybe one day Master may allow us to have full sex. Maybe.

One thing Daddy does like to do is wank over me, cumming over my pussy, it’s the next best thing after having full sex, but also means I get to watch him, watch his face, how his body moves, hear his grunts and groans, it really is a wonderful sight. I love how his tattoos move above me, his muscles flex and relax turns me on so much.

I heard Daddy’s gruff groans get quicker, a slightly high cry out told me he was there, then I felt warm liquid drop over my pussy as his cum dripped between my legs. Finally when his jerks calmed down he leaned towards me to kiss me deeply. He always says thank you after we’ve played which is something I now love, I used to giggle, saying you don’t have to thank me, it should be me thanking you, now I choose to say you’re very welcome. It’s a nice, special ending to our play, followed by snuggles and a bit more snogging.

Oh Lordy, the no swearing rule is broken again.

Oh Lordy, the no swearing rule is broken again.

I’m finding the swearing rule has been better, I’m thinking before saying anything now, choosing better words instead of every swear word I know, except when I driving. Then my potty mouth really comes out. I can’t be doing with idiot drivers who don’t indicate before turning, or before getting to a roundabout, those who drive dangerously slow when it’s not the speed limit and those who park illegally. I think my road rage grew having to drive our son to high school and pick him up every day. The town where his school was seemed to have their own rules for driving. So my language got worse and my rage became crazy mad.

But I’ve always tried not to say the f’bomb whilst in the car since I met Daddy. Until today.

Going to see my GP at peak time, the roads were very busy. But the road I drive down to get to the drs is busy, with cars parked on both sides of the street, people driving into the drs carpark. When I got there some silly woman parked her huge estate car halfway over the driveway, making it very difficult to get in and park.

My road rage hit boiling point, and many different curse words had already slipped out, unfortunately I was chatting with Daddy on the phone so he heard everything. As I said before I never use the f’bomb especially in front of Daddy. Until today, when it slipped out not once, but apparently twice. I’ve no idea what words I said but I’ve been told it was a lot, but the worst was using that F word. Twice.

Daddy said we would discuss my potty mouth later on in the evening as I had to get into the drs. Honestly I can’t believe I said it whilst on the phone with him. I may say it when he’s not around and then own up, but not actually say the word. I knew there would be trouble.

Just before bedtime he video called, and told me to tell my sister, (PiggyJ) what I had said. She of course found it all rather amusing. Daddy said there would be a punishment in store for me the following day, when we spent the day together. So knowing PiggyJ would have my back, I asked Daddy if we could possibly discuss the proposed punishment. He said at first that there’s nothing to discuss yet, he hadn’t decided on a punishment. I said, “well there’s other things rather than a spanking”. “Like what ?” Daddy asked. “Things like essays, I hate them, not lines coz they’re easy.” I suggested. He thought about it for a minute, “Okay, I want a chapter of your book about the naughty mouse written.” he told me. “I said an essay not writing my book Daddy.” I replied. Meaning that giving me a topic to write about is much harder to do, than writing a chapter of my book. But he told me he wanted at least a 2500 word chapter, plus one illustration to go with it, to be done by New Year. I could choose the topic of what naughty Rayanna got up to now.

I’m gonna be honest and say that this is a better punishment  for me, I’m thinking about what I did whilst I’m typing, it kinda sinks in more than getting a spanking. And reminds me not to say curse words ever. I don’t know what naughty Rayanna may get up to this time, so if anyone has any ideas, let me know and I will see if I can use it.

Punishments due this weekend.

Now considering I was on a spanking ban, I only had 25 due at the same time Daddy and PiggyJ had their punishment last Saturday, I think I did quite well for not occurring more over the past 3 weeks.

But yesterday I’ve managed gain another 50 from Master and 35 from Daddy.

Master’s reasons;

25 for not taking part in a vote, even though I was out and didn’t read the messages until it was too late.

25 for not asking if I could stay up when Daddy and PiggyJ came around on Wednesday evening.

25 for being bratty and throwing up a balled up piece of paper at Master,

75 due.

Daddy’s reasons;

25 for telling Daddy to shut up, ( only in a joking manner, ) as him and Master were ganging up on me, will explain in a minute.

10 for saying arse in a conversation with Daddy.

35 due.

Yesterday Daddy was on his lunch break, he always sits in an empty office to eat lunch and chat with me on video chat. Master had just come in from doing a grocery shop for me, I was complaining that he hadn’t bought enough fruit and salad. But I hadn’t put a number by each item so he knew how many to buy like I had with other items. My fault. But Master smacked my butt, making Daddy sit up straight to watch. Master said, “Oh I think we should give Manho a show as he’s at work,” he spun me around, pushed my body down on the kitchen worktop, lifted my dress up, revealing my big round white butt, and began spanking me hard. The sting, the burn, was just becoming really nice when he stopped. Showing Daddy my crimson bottom, Master then lowered my dress.

Then Daddy mentioned having a tag team for my 75 swats. Master then decided they should all take part, 25 for PiggyJ, 25 for Daddy, then 25 for Master. Obviously I didn’t get a choice, so I’m not sure if it will happen or not. It would be the first time PiggyJ spanked me if she did it.

After the spanking, Master and Daddy will spaff, ( hate that word,) they will cum over me and PiggyJ will lick it off.

Why ? For Master’s own enjoyment basically.

Not sure PiggyJ is keen on the idea, whether it’s just the humiliation, licking the cum off me, ( I know I don’t enjoy doing that, ) or whether she’s thinking it’s a punishment I don’t know. I will have to speak to her about it, so she realises that Master loves to set tasks that will cause his subs 150% humiliation and degradation, Personally I love being humiliated and degraded, maybe it’s just my view on it, but if it amuses Master, then really, it will amuse me, but only after the task is done. It is my job to amuse him.

Apparently the tag team spanking was a secret, or so Master has just decided as Daddy is in trouble for telling PiggyJ about it. Not sure what his punishment will be, probably a set 25, as Master seems to like doing punishments in groups of 25.

I’m going to do my best not to add anymore to my number, the punishments are usually set on Sunday’s when we stay over. I hope so anyway coz Daddy and Mr Spikey has a  date with my bottom, I have a date to give Daddy a full massage, also I want plenty of fun, plenty of squirting and lots of spanking, OTK, hands, flogger, Mr Spikey and anything else Daddy wants to use.

I’m not allowed to pick the implements for the punishment, the others will be choosing. Heaven knows what they will choose.

My mouth got me in trouble again.

As most of you know my sleep pattern is pretty poor, well it’s shocking actually, and when I’m close to being exhausted tired, I forget things, I get impatient and my potty mouth comes out, A LOT.

Since Monday we’ve had workman down our street, doing something to the main road, so lorries are coming, to turn around or park down our road. Workman park their own cars down the road and walk past all day long. Now you wonder what’s wrong with that.

The problem, my dogs are dogs who like their routine, who know it’s unusual to have lorries down our road, and these strange people going past in high visibility vests, wearing hard hats, so they sit on the settee and bark at all the noises, at everyone/thing going past. Even though the curtains have been closed all week. Add this to the pesky teenagers who are setting fireworks off all the time, ( could be rude, but that would involve using naughty words, so I’m best not to,) the fireworks really upset them, Dave goes out and barks all the time, Muffin stays inside and barks. They won’t go out for a wee at bedtime, and are like many thousands of other dogs, just very distressed.

Now this along with it being Halloween, well that made them even worse. Halloween never normally affects them, other than barking at the doorbell, but last night they barked even more, the only thing to settle them was me sitting on the floor, dogs either side of me.

So upset dogs, very tired Little Minxs, I swore a few times at them then at the fireworks. Luckily they don’t understand English. But because I had a potty mouth, I had to tell Daddy.

Consequence, write a chapter of the story about the naughty mouse in trouble for swearing again and do sketches for it by Saturday.

Today, having had roughly 3 hours sleep, I was going to Costco with my best mate who swears like the ex-Naval Steward that she was. At the petrol station, filling up, there was a bit of road rage going on, the F bomb blurted out of my mouth 5 times, plus a collection of other words, whilst my mate F bombed a lot more than me. Obviously I had to confess.

Once we arrived at Costco, my friend had a cigarette and I messaged Daddy. He already knew I was beyond exhausted today, replying saying the only time I get a potty mouth is when I’m tired, so as I’m so tired bedtime is set for 7.30pm, NO TV, NO TABLET. I can read until 8pm then it’s straight to sleep. Me being a bit of a brat asked if that meant in bed for 7.30pm or go up at 7.30pm. As my usual bedtime routine is go up 15 minutes earlier to do my “faffing” about so I’m in bed for the set time. Daddy replied saying “ It’s up to you, you will lose reading time if you go up at 7.30 though.” MMMMMmmmmm looks like I am going to bed at 7.15 then.

The benefit of this should be I actually get sleep before Muffin does her quiet woofing at 2am, to get me up !!!!!! But I hate being set early bedtimes and this one is ridiculously early. We’ve already had “the talk” about what I could have said, about the alternate words I picked out for each swear word which I could have used, all I could do was apologise as I knew Daddy was right, it’s not the dogs fault they were distressed, it’s not my fault that I was tired but it was my fault that my potty mouth came out. I’ve 14 minutes left before bed.

Sorry its taken ages to write, this took place the week before last.

Fun and games the week before last week.


So on Wednesday evening whilst I was watching Cliff Richard in concert with my Mother-in-law, Master set his subs a challenge, one I was ready to throw a tantrum because it was totally out of my comfort zone.

Think about your favourite song, download the lyrics if necessary, then dress up as the singer or the lead singer, if in a band, and sing me a song, You have until Saturday evening. Best video wins a cinema trip with Master, to watch a film of his choice and bring your own sweets. No cinema sweeties or drinks.

As I said completely out of my comfort zone.

Probably was a good job I was at the concert because I think I would have thrown a right fit.

So Thursday was the day I had to do it, Master works from home on Fridays so I didn’t want to do it then. What do I pick, what do I wear ? I decided first that I would wear my school uniform, but what song goes with it ? I thought about doing Shania Twain, I feel like a woman, but I really wanted to dress up properly. I asked my best mate, she has a fantastic memory for when we were in school. And she suggested a few songs, so I put YouTube on the TV, firstly I was quite impressed I could actually do that and listened to each song before finally choosing one.

Hey Mickey by Toni Basil.

In the video she’s actually wearing a cheerleaders outfit but I thought the school uniform would do.

I got my selfie stick, set it up, the video ready on YouTube then I sat on the bed to do my makeup and hair. I put my hair in 2 untidy pigtails, put blue eyeshadow on, a lot of it, so it could be seen, putting heavy blusher on, again so it could be seen, bright red lipstick then that was all done. I’ve put a little weight on since I bought the white shirt so it was a bit tight, fastened my tie, put white pantie shorts on, white socks rolled to my ankles then pulled up my rather short skirt. But I must admit I did like what I looked like.

I went to turn the video on only to be told by my phone that it was full, due to me recording a lot of the Cliff concert for my Mother-In-Law. I was so mad, here I was all dressed up and ready and nothing to record it on. I do have a digital camera somewhere, but Master used it usually, but I couldn’t find it. Then I remembered Master had a spare phone downstairs so I wondered if that was working, I dashed downstairs to find the phone, saw it had the video thing so decided I would use it, No idea how to get it from that phone to mine but at least I would have done it.
Phone ready, I turned the song on and began singing, 1 minute 40 seconds in, I realised I did need the lyrics up. So I stopped the video, and put the lyrics on instead. Now the problem is, as you know I’m not a skinny girl, and I’m not fit, if you watch the original video, you will see the dance wasn’t exactly slow, so after dancing for nearly 2 minutes, I was quite knackered, then I had to start from the beginning. And for some reason, I thought I would dance on the bed, why, I’ve no clue. But it was not easy dancing on it. So I started again, singing along, dancing well lots of arm movement really, but I was going for it. 3 minutes in, I was completely knackered, but I continued. It lasted 4 minutes and 15 seconds. OMG, I was having a hot flush, my shirt was sticking to me as I stopped the video and fell on the bed. Took me ages to get my breath back enough to get up, take my school uniform off and wash the makeup off. Really I should have just had another shower. I really need to go to the Drs about going on HRT patches as these flushes are all the time now. But anyway I was quite proud that I did the video, I just hoped Master could send the video to my phone. But I think I did okay, Now all I had to do was see Daddy’s video and PiggyJ’s. I think I’m in for winning this task for once. But I won’t watch their videos until Saturday.

Last Saturday we were going to theirs, Daddy was working until 4pm, I must admit I was a bit gutted but it was also nice chance for Master, PiggyJ and me to have some fun times before he comes home. Five minutes later Daddy messaged to say he was finishing at 3pm instead. Both Daddy and PiggyJ intended on getting drunk, and wanted me drunk too. Both of them said they get very naughty when they are drunk, I think I just go even more tired, it’s been ages since I was drunk, I think.

We left half an hour earlier than planned as we needed to go shopping, Daddy wanted some beer, PiggyJ wanted another bottle of wine, Master wanted a few ciders to mix with lemonade as he was driving, I wanted 2 bottles of wine and some nibbles. So I went and got everything and we headed to Bolton. We let ourselves in and met PiggyJ naked in the living room and I quickly undressed, putting all my clothes tidily away. She put the wine, beer and cider in the fridge but then asked me if I wanted a wine now. “Oh yes, why not.” I said. PiggyJ came back in with my sippy cup full, a large glass of wine for her and Master’s cider shandy. We talked about this and that, filling up the wine before Daddy was home. By the time he did come home, and filled us up again, that was a bottle each gone. And we were rather tipsy. Daddy downed 2 cans of beer within 20 minutes of being home to catch up. It does not take long for him to become a really, funny, silly drunk. At one point I swore, can’t even remember what it was about but suddenly Daddy told me to go and stand in the corner. I was gobsmacked coz he’s never done it before. Then Master said, “If she was going in the corner then it was only fair that she did it like PiggyJ did a while ago. Holding a coin on the door with your nose.” I threw a dirty look at Master whilst Daddy said,”That’s a good idea,” he went to find a coin. Coming back his hands in fists he asked “Left or right?” I pointed to the left hand, it held a 5p coin, handing it to me, he said,”If you picked the other hand, it wudda been a smaller coin. A 1p coin. Go on.” Throwing Daddy my best bratty look I walked to the door, just about to put the coin on the door when Master said “It needs timing.” Then Daddy looked around to find a timer. So being the brat I am, I put one elbow on the door, the other hand on my hip sticking it out as far as possible, with a look on my face that just said, “In your own time Daddy.” PiggyJ started laughing when she saw me, then Master said “Why don’t I put the timer on my phone ?” “Oh good idea Master,” Daddy said coming back in, stopping quickly when he saw me. “Erm what you doing ?” He asked, “Waiting for you.” I told him. “Well I’m here now so door, nose, coin now!” My evil look went past as I put the coin on the door then reached over to put my nose on the coin. I can tell you, this is not easy when you are a BBW. But I started, then began drumming my nails on the door, “What’s with the drumming of your nails ?” Master asked, “To keep me occupied,” I said. Daddy didn’t say stop so I continued. Then closed my eyes, mainly concentrating on not dropping the coin as I felt my nose becoming sweaty. Daddy came over to try to distract me, but I kept my eyes tightly closed, ignoring everything he tried to do. Quickly the 5 minutes was done so I moved away, picking the coin up as it dropped on the floor.

I sat next to PiggyJ then as Daddy sat next to me, Daddy asked Master who won the challenge. Master said, “Well there was one complete loser, who put little effort into it, singing 2 lines of a made upstairs song about singing a song, naked. And we all know that was Manho, (Daddy) so it’s between Serf and PiggyJ. But I do think there was a clear winner of this challenge, just by the look of sheer pain on her face that said, when will this song finish, it has to be Serf.

I must admit I was made up I won, I did put a bit of effort into it. Not that PiggyJ and Daddy didn’t put effort into theirs, they did, I was exhausted after doing it. But I felt guilty as I knew there was one other person who would have loved a trip out with Master and that was PiggyJ. So the next day I asked Master that even though I really was pleased I won and that I got to go to the cinema with him, could I pass over my prize to another sub. As I knew someone who would love it, but Master said No, I put the effort into the video so I deserve the prize.

I felt guilty for PiggyJ, but I couldn’t do anything about it.

So we continued to drink and natter when Daddy asked Master if he would like a foot massage. Now the funny thing with Daddy getting drunk is he comes out with some things, he would never ever say if he was sober. He said, “You go and get the massage oil J, I’ve been in work all day. Go on, do as you’re told.” PiggyJ’s response was, “I beg your pardon, go and get it yourself.” I think he realised he stepped over the line with her as he got up quickly and went to get it.  He came back sat on the floor in front of Master and took his socks off. PiggyJ had already taken his shoes off. Daddy pushed his jeans up as far as they would go, which was’t far as they were skinny jeans, then started massaging his foot.

Next thing I know, Daddy says, “ It’s hard doing it without a stool, Little Minxs come here and be Daddy’s stool.” I was quite happy sat with PiggyJ, my hand on her thigh, her hand on my hand, as we kinda rubbed fingers together, our closeness really becoming apparent, well no, we became very firm friends/sisters very quickly, I suppose I mean I was feeling more and more comfortable holding hands, kissing, there’s been no boob fondling or pussy touching yet, but each time we are together the closeness is growing and it’s only a matter of time before more happens. Anyway, I stayed being a stool for a while, as Daddy massaged Master’s feet, his hand would occasionally slip down to my bottom and slip between my legs, though on one occasion PiggyJ slapped his hand away, saying “She’s there to be a stool, not to be played with.” So he stopped, every now and then, I had to ask Master to move his foot to another area, then PiggyJ started to massage his other foot. Not sure how long this continued for but it felt like a while. Wudda been lovely if I was being played with too.

Anyway after a while my stool was no longer needed so I sat next to PiggyJ again, we chatted about anything then Daddy came in with another beer, and suddenly began swearing loads, dropping the F bomb 3 or 4 times in one sentence. I told him off, saying how am I supposed to stop swearing when you do it so much. “I agree Little Minxs, I’m sorry,” then he bent over in front of me and wiggled his ass for me to smack him. I put my hands up, “Sorry, not my thing, I can’t hit you or anybody,” I exclaimed, “Oh PiggyJ will do it,” Daddy said then moved along. Bent over in front of her, she raised her hand and full force slapped his cheek. He howled rubbing the area, it was such a hard slap, you could clearly see each finger, even each joint on the fingers, crimson around the outside and pale in the middle, she was very proud of this smack. Must admit so would I. I think Daddy swore again which was why Master said, “Oh this needs to stop, it’s not fair if Serf gets corner time for swearing when you, her Daddy continue dropping the F bomb. 5 minutes holding the coin with your nose now please.” Daddy did as he was instructed but because he was drunk he kept dropping the coin, meaning the timer restarted. By the time he actually got started properly, he probably had 5 minutes, but the timer began. Master grabbed the Jokari paddle that was already out, went over and swatted him very hard on one cheek with that nasty paddle. Daddy screamed out loud, as he danced about, so his coin dropped on the floor and the timer started from 0 again. Master repeated it again, even harder, once, twice all around the same area. As he screeched and grabbed his cheek, trying not to swear, then he was told to do his corner time again. As Master restarted the timer again. Daddy took a minute to get into position.

It was quite interesting seeing the Jokari being used on someone else. The skin went deathly pale at first then a deep crimson circled the white middle. As Master hit him 3 times, he was left with 3 quite big white circles the outside was then crimson, turning to purple, deep bruising all around them. It was also good for Daddy to experience the Jokari, he didn’t like it at all, now he can understand why I wriggle and fight so much when he uses it. Afterwards he did agree, he said that thing was the worst thing he’s ever experienced. Master then told him again to get into position and reset the clock, as Daddy thought it couldn’t get much worse, Master said, “Now we’ve got this outstanding punishment for Manho, ( Daddy’s nickname from Master,) 25 with the Jokari. I mean Manho, when I said I wanted us all to have a nice fun spanking, then I wanted to stick my cock in all your asses, why would you think this would include me getting a spanking of any kind ? At no point did I say I would ever be spanked, I am the Dom to all of you, I get to enjoy giving my subs a play spanking.” Daddy began apologising but Master quickly fired off 25 swats with the Jokari, they were not that hard, not as bad as the three in the beginning, but Daddy’s cheeks pinked up nicely. He was then told to do his 5 minutes cornertime. Master was enjoying winding him up as he kept forgetting to turn the timer on, or reset it before the alarm went off so in the end he must have been there nearly 15 minutes.

Finally it was done so we began to discuss what we were having for dinner. The options were Domino’s Pizza, a Chinese but that would mean Master would have to take Daddy to get money out first, or walk across the road for Kebab’s. After a very long discussion we decided on a kebab. I wrote down what everyone wanted, Daddy and I got dressed and walked over to the chippy. We met a lady Daddy called her Sue, we were having a laugh saying apparently she wanted to play with him, but he never did it. She wanted to be wife No2 but she’s missed the chance now as I’m his wife No2 and he’s not allowed to play with anyone else. Not sure if any of this was true or not, but she was laughing with us. After we had rather a drunkard chat with this poor lady, she told us we would have to come back in 20 minutes, so we popped to the shop next door to get Daddy more beer then went back home. I think Master and PiggyJ must have enjoyed a cheeky little play as Master had no jeans on now. I hope they weren’t waiting for us to go before playing. If Master wanted a blowjob when we first arrived I wonder if they would just do it in the living room, next to me and Daddy, and how we would feel.  I don’t think I’d be bothered, I’ve seen her do it before, maybe it’s just a sign that I’m ready to do more. I really wanna do more group fun and the intention today was for Master to give us all a group fun spanking, then he wanted to “fudge” our asses. Something Daddy was a bit unsure of, as he wasn’t keen on the idea of Master’s dick up his arse. But we all got a bit drunk instead, chatted more until it was time to go back for dinner.

Back at the chippy the poor lady had to put up with our silly drunkenness until everything was ready then we left. Home to eat dinner which was very nice then we put a film on. Well they picked Beverly Hill Cop, the original, it was rubbish so I snuggled into Daddy and fell asleep. I think he had to wake me up twice so he could move coz I was so hot and he needed to cool down.

When the film finished, Master and PiggyJ went to bed, Daddy woke me up asking if I wanted to play. Well apparently I jumped right up, awake saying yes please. I think it’s fair to say Daddy rocked my world. We had lots of fun I can’t say more than that. Lots of bottom playing, with dildos and hand, plus dildos up my pussy making me feel stretched to capacity, especially when he filled both at the same time. I didn’t think I could stretch anymore.

But Daddy had listened to me and PiggyJ, about dominating me during sex. He began telling me not to cum until he said, holding it for a long time, making me ask if I could cum then letting go, releasing my orgasm felt much more intense. I loved letting him take control of me during sex as well as in my life.

Though apparently I had a mishap with my teeth on his dick. Whilst giving him a bj I scratched him with my teeth but I didn’t find out until the next day when Daddy saw it. So I’m gonna have to be careful as I also cut Master’s dick the following Friday. But this was a bad one, he bled a lot, I know he had an erection so there was more blood in his dick, I had to hold his dick with a baby wipe over the cut, holding it tightly until it stopped bleeding. Master didn’t want a blowjob then but asked for a handjob. I was worried about his dick, luckily he wasn’t angry with me, he knows it was only an accident, he said I was going much harder with my teeth today, like an animal attacking her meat.

Well it has been a long time since I played with Master, either having sex or playing. G being Master hasn’t been around much, stress from his job, me having a very long spell with my back pain, meant there’s been nothing happening.

So when he asked for a bj, I was really happy to oblige. But I wasn’t prepared for the ending.

I broke both my Doms cocks !!!!!

Luckily they both still work, but I will watch my teeth and not get too excited whilst having them in my mouth in the future.
I do struggle with Master’s PA being so big now, so I tend to take it out, or put a smaller one in just for the bj, I love feeling the big PA’s inside me, just not in my mouth.

Anyway Daddy’s dick is fixed now, Master says his feels okay, it stings a bit when he’s having a wee but it doesn’t hurt. It looks like I caught his foreskin right at the base on his head. Kinda where the central seam is running down his head to the foreskin, So it looks like a flappy bit of skin at the moment. Master says it will heal itself so he wasn’t concerned with it.

Though today he said he was thinking about what consequence to give me.

I said, it was an accident, you can’t give me a consequence. So I will have to wait and see what happens.


Friday, Daddy got banned from sexy fun for 6 weeks too.

Friday’s blog.

Daddy’s now on a 6 week any sexy play ban.


When Daddy set my 6 week spanking ban, he never thought he would have to ask and check with Master that this was okay and would Master reinforce the ban too. I must admit I hadn’t given it a thought either.

Now I fully understand that first and foremost I belong to Master, and if there was to be a ban to be made then Master should be told the reason why, then asked if it was okay if Master reinforced the ban at home.

But it’s easy to think of this after the fact.

I didn’t and neither did Daddy.

So yesterday when Master came home from work, I could tell he was in the mood for some fun. His hands were wandering and he snuggled my neck. He was sat on his seat, trying to find space for all the remote controls, and he was dropping everything.

He always sits by the windowsill, has the bigger table in the room and has his foot stool to put stuff on.

Then he was trying to find space for some sweets he wanted to open.

I said, “Hang on a minute, before you drop your sweets, let’s decide what’s happening to the sweets that are already open. Are you eating the rest of these Bertie Bassetts ?    No. What about these 2 half packs of Haribo ? Don’t like the ones with the white on it. Okay, I will eat them, the Bassetts can go in the bin then. What about the rest of this stick of rock ?      No don’t like that flavour. Okay, Well let’s make things a bit better and throw the rubbish out, put these sweets in a container then look….. It’s tidier.” Apparently I was being very sarcastic and I needed to remember my place, as Master grabbed the hairbrush, going to grab me, I put my hands up, saying I was on a no spanking ban. “Not with me you’re not, no one asked me,” Master told me, as he threw me over his knee, grabbed my dress and held me down with one hand, the other hand spanking me 8-10 times, all the time lecturing me on how to speak to him. Finally I apologised the correct way so he let my squirming body go.

I went back to my chair messaging Daddy, telling him to message Master as he doesn’t think it includes him in the spanking ban.

A few minutes later Daddy messaged me, saying, I’ve been put on a sexy playing ban until 1st December. Master said because I hadn’t asked for him to be included in the spanking ban first, he has put me on a sexy play ban with you, PiggyJ and himself but has kindly honoured my request not to spank you until 1st December but I’m not allowed to play with anyone until 1st December.

No play, plus no spankings until December 1st, This was Daddy’s fault now we’ve no play. That was my bratty side thinking this. But Daddy said “Well you can play with Master and PiggyJ, I will be just sat in the corner watching.”

“Well it’s over with now, we can’t turn the clock back,” I said. “It’s just gonna be a long 6 weeks.” Daddy said, “Yeah it will, but PiggyJ is mad about it too coz it’s a punishment for her too as I can’t play with her.”
Oh “Fudge cake” I thought, Daddy has 2 weekends off in November, and we are going to see Daddy and PiggyJ for both those weekends. Damn and Blast It.


Feeling still depressed at these bans, I said my goodnight message to Daddy. Deciding to pull on his heartstrings because I was basically blaming him for what happened, I mean if he hadn’t done the spanking ban, we now wouldn’t have the playing ban too. Obviously it had nothing to do with me rolling my eyes and swearing. I’ve decided to share what I said.

We are going to have a pretty boring 6 weeks between the 2 of us really, lessons will be learnt, I suppose as Master would say,      Maybe we could do a jigsaw, play frustration, Connect 4, I’m good at Connect 4, bet you’re not. Good excuse for you to mark my maths homework too, you can go through all my maths instead of just marking them. But Saturday and Sunday with no play, no spanking,     we could do some baking, I can help Daddy make me a cheesecake, apparently I’ve still gotta wear my waitress outfit, so I suppose I can still serve you, get drinks or food for you though nothing sexual or spankie, I knew this 6 week spanking ban wouldn’t go down well. Shocking, it’s just shocking. Anyway, I’m going to bed, least I can read my book bout spanking, watch the videos and just wishful thinking.      Anyway, yeah we can just play some of C’s games, in me waitress outfit, serving you drinks. Wonder if I’m allowed to give you a massage or does that come under sexy fun, I will ask Master, Anyway, I’m gonna watch SpankingTube instead. It’s gonna be a long 6 weeks though. See of you hadn’t done this 6 week spanking bam, none of this wudda happened, so I’m blaming you, it’s got nothing to do with me.So I’m going to bed before I say something I shouldn’t do, coz I’m sulking now.

Daddy thought my message was hilarious, playing it to PiggyJ, “She’s pulling on your heartstrings again, making you feel guilty for punishing her.” PiggyJ told him. “Oh I know exactly what she’s doing.” Daddy told her.

I earned myself another set of lines !!!!!

And massaging comes under sexy fun, so no massages, Master told me.

The following morning Daddy decided to get his own back from my night night video, making out he was really upset bout the message I left, he felt very guilty about what happened and was very very sorry. I replied that he shouldn’t feel guilty, it is what it is and lessons have been learnt. I was only pulling on your heartstrings.

Daddy video called me then, laughing, telling me he just got his own back.

Mmmmmm I will try harder next time I said. Oh no you won’t little girl, I’m fully aware of what you try and do, I can promise you, it won’t happen again.” He told me.

So my punishment got changed, I still have to do extra lines for forgetting to send my lines yesterday, but now I have to write them backwards for pulling on Daddy’s heartstrings.

Master set his punishment for not sending his lines, write his lines in reverse tomorrow.

So in the morning, I’m going to have to really concentrate writing my lines, so I do them properly.



So far this morning I have written Masters reverse order lines, done my maths and I’ve nearly completed the first set of Daddy’s lines, but needed a break coz my eyes were going funny so I decided to finish this blog, though it hasn’t helped my eyes from blurring, but I will continue in a bit. I want to do them properly.

Slip up with mouth and eyes.

Slip up with mouth and eyes.


At lunchtime today, I was video chatting with Daddy when he said something, can’t even remember what it was but I came out with b****y hell, Daddy asked what I said and I rolled my eyes, exasperated that he heard me swear then saw me roll my eyes.

I got lectured on behaving and then when he told me to apologise, ( Something I do struggle with when I’ve just been told off, my pig headed stubbornness won’t let me apologise properly coz I was now in a mood ) I said, “Sorry the word just slipped out and my eyes just rolled.”

He was not happy with my response so I was told to get a 5 pence coin, and stand against the wall holding the coin with my nose. Miss Bratty came out, are you serious ? Really ? The words slipped out. You know the sorta thing you say. Suddenly Daddy asked if it was cold outside. I paused my rant, confused by his question. Blurted out, of course it’s cold outside. Ready to begin complaining again, when he told me to go outside to do it. NOW.  “What, do my time-out outside ? Can I wear a coat ?” I asked. “Nope go and do it now, and bring your phone so I can watch you do it.” Daddy told me. “Find a coin and go.”
I pulled my purse out of my bag, looking for 5p but didn’t have one. “I’ve 20p.” I told him. “That will do, now outside.” he said.
I was not happy, so not happy as I went to the side of the house, I propped my phone on the windowsill, put the coin on the wall, stuck my nose on it then just waited. I dropped it a few times but the worst was after 4 minutes. And I had to start over again. Frustrating the hell outta me, I started again, when Daddy started singing at the top of his voice. OH MY LORD gag me now before I say something I will regret. As he continued to sing, asking me silly questions, I blurted out for him to shut up. Biting my tongue afterwards, “Do you want to earn extra time ?” Daddy asked. I said no as calmly as I could. So I just closed my eyes and waited until time was up.

Finally Daddy told me it was time, I got the coin ready to go inside when he told me to look at him. Here we go, I thought, more lecturing.

“I love you, I just want the best for you. Now go inside, make yourself a coffee and warm up.” I looked at him, “Is that an order ?” I asked, yes I know brattily. “Yes in fact, make one for Master too.” I paused, taking a deep breath I grabbed his mug and mine then made the coffee. “Do I have to take it up to him ?” I asked, “Yes he can’t drink it without having it.” I carried the cup, whilst staying on the phone. Knocked on the door, asked if I could come in and handed him the cup, “How about a nice, here’s your coffee Master or something nice.” He asked, I pulled a face then he said, “Did you just roll your eyes at me ?” I protested, saying I did not roll my eyes, I pulled a face yes, but I did not roll my eyes. I said, “I’ve just been outside for 10 minutes.” “What, why?”

he asked, “I swore and rolled my eyes at Daddy,” I told him.

“Well in that case you can go outside again, take the phone with you so Daddy can time you.” Seeing no point in arguing, I just went downstairs and walked outside. “Take your coffee,” Daddy told me, so I went back for it, putting my phone on a different windowsill I talked to Daddy outside, drinking my coffee.

Luckily it made the 10 minutes go quicker as we talked about Christmas presents, and the next time we meet up, what did we want to do.

Whilst I was doing my second timeout outside, I realised I hadn’t sent pictures of my lines and maths today, and I discovered this morning I hadn’t taken them yesterday. Oh fudge, I was gonna be in trouble for that now. So as soon as I went in, I took yesterday’s lines and maths and today’s. Telling them that I forgot to send them.

Daddy video called again, asking if I forgot on purpose or did I really forget. I said I really forgot. “Okay well I’m going to have a think and maybe discuss this with Master what your punishment should be. You’ve had such a rough week.”

When I looked at my phone again I had a message from Master. Write your lines in reverse order.

I was a bit confused with what he meant, but basically instead of starting from the left of the page, I will start on the right.

A bit later I got a message from Daddy, after discussing it with Master you will do an extra 50 lines, so double, written backwards.

I think I’ve got it, I will have to do these when I’m very awake I think.


Alternative words to cursing.

Alternative words to cursing.


As I’ve decided I’m not going to curse when I write my blogs, I’ve chosen the words and decided I will share them with you, so you can understand what I’m talking about. This also means I will remember what I should say each time.

It’s not going to be easy, I’m sure I will slip up occasionally but I will try my hardest to make Daddy proud over this rule as he knows I’m struggling with them. Hopefully this way will help me verbally too.

So here goes, notice all the words are sweetie related.

Daddy sorry for swearing on here, I promise it will be the last time.


Fucking hell.              Fudge cake.

Bloody hell.                Bubble gum.

Shit.                            Sherbert.

Crap.                          Crunchie.

Tits.                             Popsicles.

Arse.                           Oreo.

Bugge/bugger off.     Boiled sweets.

God.                            Choccie.

Sod/sod off.                Jelly beans.

Pissed/pissed off.      Cola bottle.

Cock / Dick.                Starbar.

If I think of more words I will add them to the list. But I really hope this works

Cursing in blogs.

Cursing in blogs.

I’ve come to the conclusion to make it easier for me not to curse, is that I will not curse whilst writing my blogs, even though Daddy said it’s okay when doing writing.

It feels wrong to curse in them, plus it encourages me to curse openly too much and too easily. I will in my novels because that is different, but when I’m blogging about our lifestyle, I’m not going to swear in them, as I don’t swear for real during the day, or I try not to swear during the day, I should day.

I will try to use words that you will understand, if I don’t please let me know then I will try other words until both you, my readers, and myself can still enjoy my blogs.